Example sentences of "presents [art] [adj] picture [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Every heresy and man-made religion that has ever been invented presents a fractured picture of Jesus Christ .
2 The screen of this complicated electronic instrument presents a stationary picture of the potential difference between its input terminals as a function of time .
3 The 1989 AMERG survey presents a similar picture with the vast majority of architects using only traditional means and frequently relying on ‘ word of mouth ’ .
4 Jaques ( Chapter 8 ) presents a general picture of hierarchy as a mechanism for ‘ running ’ or ‘ coordinating ’ large organizations .
5 The Other Israel presents a different picture by carefully examining the Biblical , racial and historical facts surrounding Zionism and Jewry 's claim to Palestine , hidden and suppressed facts which certainly surprised this reviewer .
6 Ausonius in his remarkable poem Mosella presents a glowing picture of a prosperous countryside , although how much of this is poetic licence is difficult to judge .
7 Glasser presents a full picture of the behaviour , good and bad , which he encountered in an area of maximum difficulty , and it is not often that such a picture has been presented .
8 The account of the design contract with Freeman Fox in London and the subsequent efforts to get the construction done by companies in the United Kingdom presents a depressing picture of British industry as seen from abroad .
9 Like so many of the films that were to be made during the Second World War , The Four Just Men does n't only draw attention to the nature of the enemy ; it also presents an evocative picture of just what it is that is under threat — ‘ all the roads and rivers , fields add woods and hills that make up this funny old island . ’
10 ‘ The Visit ’ presents an unusual picture of Mira who is simply defeated by ‘ the scolding Dame ’ and the gossips and physiognomists of Brackley :
11 The introduction of phenolic glues changed all this and , incidentally , presents an interesting picture of the way in which the public image of a material can be changed .
12 Some might say it presents an idealistic picture of family life ; others that it is a reactionary attempt to turn the clock back on the women 's movement ; yet others might argue that she has gone beyond the available evidence in concluding , or at least implying , that delinquency might result from early day-care experiences .
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