Example sentences of "sign up for a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On employment , the Labour party would sign up for a massive extension of Community competence and majority voting in the name of the social charter .
2 Ronnie Wilkie from Pest Control Dundee recently proved that cockroaches are anywhere and everywhere when he signed up for a sizeable job to rid an oil rig off the Aberdeen coast of them .
3 It is a sick government that is proud of the fact that it 's not signed up for a Social Chapter .
4 Does any hon. Member seriously think that , after Britain has signed up for a single currency , we could go to war on our own and expect the 11 countries who share the same currency to stand idly by and see the value of their currency wrecked , for ever depreciating , just because Britain was in one of its periodic warmongering fits ?
5 To get the tickets you had to sign up for a complete tour and hospitality package , available through Travelforce , a travel agency in Durban — of which the then President of the Natal Rugby Union , and member of the Executive of the ( former ) SARB , just happened to be a director .
6 IT 'S not too late to sign up for a sponsored step aerobics session at Darlington 's Dolphin Centre later this month .
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