Example sentences of "perform [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately we have had to make some slight changes to the programme today , but hope you will like the idea of all learning something to perform for the final part of the Reunion in November .
2 old English country dance named after the character in Addison 's The Spectator ( 1711 ) ; often performed as the concluding theme of a ball .
3 Because of the specialised and sensitive nature of valuation work , share valuations should be performed under the close supervision of a partner .
4 It is important to distinguish , as far as one can , between behaviour which wordlessly betrays information , behaviour , that is , from which an onlooker may glean something , and non-verbal behaviour which is performed with the express purpose of communicating this or that information .
5 Rinuccini 's next favola for music , a Euridice with a happy ending , was composed by Peri ( but included some pieces by Caccini which are duly acknowledged in the preface ) for the wedding of Maria de' Medici to Henry IV of France and performed in the Pitti Palace on 6 October 1600 .
6 Entry of modules and formal LIFESPAN approval must still be performed in the normal way via the DC system .
7 Entry of modules and formal approval must still be performed in the normal way via the DC system .
8 Since Caliban is often performed in the modern theatre as if he were a later version of Thersites , we tend to expect him to be a prose-speaker .
9 As a producer the worker , whether by hand or brain , in Western society ( and in the so-called socialist countries ) is required to undertake highly specialised fragmented alienated tasks performed in the capital-intensive environment of large corporations .
10 Figure 2.17 illustrates the half-word data transfer operations on the DEC PDP- 10 computer , together with the variations which specify what action is to be performed on the other half of the destination word .
11 All unary operations ( such as negate ) are performed on the top element of the stack , and binary operations are performed on the top two elements of the stack ( after which they are removed ) and the result placed on the top of the stack .
12 The band performed at the very peak of their live power and the volatile Scottish crowds responded accordingly .
13 Greek tragedy , he impressed on his audience , had been a total art form , a Gesamtkunst ( Wagner 's slogan , although Wagner 's name was not mentioned ) , to suit an age of whole men:a poetic drama that made use of architecture ( the theatre ) , painting ( scenery and costume ) , song , dance and music ; a drama created amid " perfection and harmony " by " artistic man " , who , at least in the earlier part of the fifth century , the time of Aeschylus , was poet , composer , conductor , producer and actor in one ; a drama performed at the communal festival of Dionysus before an audience which brought to the theatre something of the instinctive , rapturous spirit from which , in the Dionysiac celebrations , tragedy had originated in the first place .
14 According to recent analysis performed by the Forensic Laboratory in Rijswijk in the Netherlands , Goldreyer restored the canvas and then simply painted over the surface , in some areas using up to six layers of alkyd paint , more usually applied to furniture and floors .
15 St Gallen 's opera has always been recognised as one of Switzerland 's best , and performs in the imposing Stadttheater in the Museumstrasse .
16 Ms Nadia Comaneci was still performing on the long bar for Romania , but her gymnastic trainers had already defected to the US .
17 Steve , 30 , was performing at the National Auditorium in Mexico when a female fan jumped on stage and attacked him .
18 Tony Pickard will motivate the British Davis Cup Team to perform to the very limit of its capabilities .
19 Most performed in the high average to superior range on measures of verbal learning but had severe deficits in tasks associated with the non-dominant hemisphere .
20 If there are any area display teams willing to perform at the Annual Reunion on Saturday 19th November to be held at Warwick Park School , please contact at , ,
21 ‘ I think it may have more to do with my age — but I do feel I have got four or five years more at the top level in the game and I would love to perform at the top level of the Premier League .
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