Example sentences of "perform [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately we have had to make some slight changes to the programme today , but hope you will like the idea of all learning something to perform for the final part of the Reunion in November .
2 old English country dance named after the character in Addison 's The Spectator ( 1711 ) ; often performed as the concluding theme of a ball .
3 The Soma Samurai , Japanese Warriors on horseback , performed for the first time outside Japan , with odd man out Michael Jay .
4 Wolfgang had begun work on an operatic version of Beaumarchais ' controversial play Le Mariage de Figaro , which had been performed for the first time in Paris the year before .
5 Because of the specialised and sensitive nature of valuation work , share valuations should be performed under the close supervision of a partner .
6 It is important to distinguish , as far as one can , between behaviour which wordlessly betrays information , behaviour , that is , from which an onlooker may glean something , and non-verbal behaviour which is performed with the express purpose of communicating this or that information .
7 Erm the selection er er of er suppliers for the infra-red search and track w that was performed in the first instance by Eurofighter and the procurement organisations are the four Eurofighter partner companies make the checks on the potential suppliers in accordance with a schedule which we , the four governments , have provided to them .
8 Rinuccini 's next favola for music , a Euridice with a happy ending , was composed by Peri ( but included some pieces by Caccini which are duly acknowledged in the preface ) for the wedding of Maria de' Medici to Henry IV of France and performed in the Pitti Palace on 6 October 1600 .
9 Entry of modules and formal LIFESPAN approval must still be performed in the normal way via the DC system .
10 Entry of modules and formal approval must still be performed in the normal way via the DC system .
11 Since Caliban is often performed in the modern theatre as if he were a later version of Thersites , we tend to expect him to be a prose-speaker .
12 As a producer the worker , whether by hand or brain , in Western society ( and in the so-called socialist countries ) is required to undertake highly specialised fragmented alienated tasks performed in the capital-intensive environment of large corporations .
13 A true feeding roll is always performed in the same direction by each rolling bream .
14 Figure 2.17 illustrates the half-word data transfer operations on the DEC PDP- 10 computer , together with the variations which specify what action is to be performed on the other half of the destination word .
15 If experiments such as creep or stress relaxation are performed on the same sample of a polymer over a range of temperatures a pattern of behaviour is apparent that as long ago as 1943 led to the proposal of a " master curve " to which all observations could be reduced .
16 All unary operations ( such as negate ) are performed on the top element of the stack , and binary operations are performed on the top two elements of the stack ( after which they are removed ) and the result placed on the top of the stack .
17 Of more than 16000 heart transplantations performed since the first human to human operation in 1967 , over 1700 patients survived more than 5 years after surgery .
18 Dialysis was performed at the same time of day for each subject .
19 To reduce the risk of variable staining intensities , Grimelius staining was performed at the same time for all the specimens of one examination year .
20 The band performed at the very peak of their live power and the volatile Scottish crowds responded accordingly .
21 Greek tragedy , he impressed on his audience , had been a total art form , a Gesamtkunst ( Wagner 's slogan , although Wagner 's name was not mentioned ) , to suit an age of whole men:a poetic drama that made use of architecture ( the theatre ) , painting ( scenery and costume ) , song , dance and music ; a drama created amid " perfection and harmony " by " artistic man " , who , at least in the earlier part of the fifth century , the time of Aeschylus , was poet , composer , conductor , producer and actor in one ; a drama performed at the communal festival of Dionysus before an audience which brought to the theatre something of the instinctive , rapturous spirit from which , in the Dionysiac celebrations , tragedy had originated in the first place .
22 According to recent analysis performed by the Forensic Laboratory in Rijswijk in the Netherlands , Goldreyer restored the canvas and then simply painted over the surface , in some areas using up to six layers of alkyd paint , more usually applied to furniture and floors .
23 In Tsarist times the official positions on all Russian railway lines were occupied by European Russians but the menial tasks were more likely to be performed by the lowest order of migrant or by members of the local population .
24 This year we shall be performing for the first time in Berne , Geneva , Luzern , Zurich and Prague .
25 They may be a long way from performing in the Greatest Show on Earth , but getting there has certainly got them in a spin .
26 St Gallen 's opera has always been recognised as one of Switzerland 's best , and performs in the imposing Stadttheater in the Museumstrasse .
27 Ms Nadia Comaneci was still performing on the long bar for Romania , but her gymnastic trainers had already defected to the US .
28 Steve , 30 , was performing at the National Auditorium in Mexico when a female fan jumped on stage and attacked him .
29 Tony Pickard will motivate the British Davis Cup Team to perform to the very limit of its capabilities .
30 Is it possible to tell us how your advertising revenue performed in the first half on your Westminster Press and F T and whether you 've experienced any improvements in sits vac advertising since the end of the first half ?
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