Example sentences of "no [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary will seize the opportunity provided by his next meeting with his Community colleagues — which I believe will take place very shortly — to reappraise the position , and to see whether the Governments of the Community could now decide to recognise Croatia and to tell the Yugoslavian federal Government that they can no longer be recognised as the legitimate Government of former federal territory .
2 J. and I spent that Christmas at our separate homes , but were back on camp for the New Year celebrations , the first new year of peacetime for seven years , and as 1945 drew to a close most of us were beginning to look tentatively ahead to the future when we would no longer be bound by the rules and regulations which had fenced us in for so long , and to wonder where we would all be in another twelve months .
3 ‘ Grant maintained schools can no longer be seen as a politically reversible gimmick , ’ he said at the union 's conference in Birmingham .
4 ‘ Grant-maintained schools can no longer be seen as a politically reversible gimmick , ’ he told the AMMA 's annual conference .
5 All these processes will be helped immeasurably by the imaginative use of computer technology which , like accountancy , will no longer be seen as a service but as an integral part of the whole process .
6 Eventually , the star would be so dim that it could no longer be seen from the spaceship : all that would be left would be a black hole in space .
7 Soon it could no longer be seen by the naked eye , but the professor continued to watch it through binoculars .
8 It would no longer be damaged by the two-facedness of its fuel .
9 On 9 November 1984 I set out for consultation a list of branded drugs which would no longer be prescribed under the health service .
10 RE need no longer be undertaken with the intention of smartening up , or making relevant , something that has become jaded through over-familiarity .
11 Soon it must have become obvious to the story-tellers that such a huge land could no longer be fitted into the Mediterranean , and so it was resited beyond the Gates of Hercules .
12 In future , that will mean that the old high rates will no longer be levied on the unsuspecting population , and we will see a continuation of support by central Government of local government .
13 Conservationists claim that traditions — no matter how old or well-established which add unnecessary pressures to species which are already in danger , can no longer be justified in a modern world , and should be abandoned .
14 But even before the uprisings of 1956 , Nikita Khrushchev had come to the conclusion that such overt exploitation could no longer be justified in the interests of the USSR or the development of the region as a whole .
15 two mental hospitals [ St Wulstan 's and Powick ] each catering for about 200 patients situated some nine miles apart in the same district can no longer be justified in the present economic climate .
16 Moscow 's current policy in Latin America is aimed at undermining US influence while seeking to develop its own ties with the more ‘ progressive ’ and independent governments , and events have demonstrated that anti-Communism can no longer be regarded as a significant impediment to the success of such a policy .
17 This demonstrates that criticism can no longer be regarded as a straightforward and unproblematic response to a given work of art .
18 Because neither business organizations nor the public regard the maximization of owners ’ profit as the only legitimate aim of business , distributable profit can no longer be regarded as the sole or premier indicator of performance .
19 Many , however , came to accept it in the context of their hopes for future labour success : capitalist bureaucracy was undesirable , but when labour came to dominate Parliament , the bureaucracy would act in sympathy with the needs and condition of the working class and would no longer be regarded as an alien intrusion .
20 She believes we will see a new politics emerge , in which pleasure and individual responsibility will no longer be subjugated to the ‘ correct , collective line ’ ; though the institutional landscape is changing , a radical , independent sector will continue to exist .
21 SERPs ( State Earnings Related Pension ) will no longer be related to the best 20 years of earnings , a provision designed to take account of women 's variable earnings pattern .
22 In that case it should no longer be defined as a ‘ dog ’ .
23 As a further stage , Major proposed the creation of a new " hard ecu " whereby the ECU would no longer be defined as a basket of currencies but would become a genuine international currency in its own right ; managed by the EMF , the hard ecu would ( inside the ERM ) stay within its margins and at realignments would never devalue against other EC currencies .
24 They said because Mr Fallon had achieved so much in bringing industry to Darlington it could no longer be treated as a depressed economic area .
25 With the polls now pointing to a Labour minority government , the question of PR can no longer be treated as an academic abstraction .
26 Efficiency can no longer be achieved through the division of labour , but through the development of more efficient patterns of co-operation .
27 And taking lead out of petrol would immediately mean that workers in oil refineries would no longer be exposed to the substance .
28 Your finger will no longer be aligned with the picture — because you are looking at it from a slightly different direction ; your eyes are not in the same place .
29 Mrs Falconer has been told that her post as senior lecturer can no longer be funded by the new university .
30 It too can no longer be presented in a teleological form as an account of a historical process which begins with primitive ‘ stateless ’ societies , then passes through a definite sequence of class societies in which the state comes into existence and develops , and concludes with a higher form of communal society which is again ‘ stateless ’ .
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