Example sentences of "unless it [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 In Nikko v MEPC ( cited at 13.6.1 ) , the judge said that an expert 's decision can not be challenged unless it could be shown that the expert had not performed the task assigned to him .
2 In R v Sunderland JC , ex pG [ 1988 ] 2 FLR 40 , a case decided under the old law , the Court of Appeal held that the guardian ad litem 's report should not be disclosed to an independent social worker instructed by a parent unless it could be shown that the evidence of the independent social worker would assist the court .
3 The majority in the snail darter case thought that the best interpretation of the convention about statutes required them to enforce the literal meaning of the Environmental Protection Act unless it could be proved that Congress intended otherwise .
4 To depart substantially from them invites question unless it can be demonstrated that such departure conforms to accepted practice by rational analysis .
5 The assurance is given that such extra-contractual referrals will go unchallenged by the DHA ‘ unless it can be shown that the proposed referral is wholly unjustified on clinical grounds , or where an alternative referral would be equally efficacious for the patient , taking into account the patient 's wishes ’ .
6 In the unhappy event of litigation , a signed consent form may be disregarded by the courts unless it can be shown that the patient was ‘ given sufficient information , in a way they can understand , about the proposed treatment . ’
7 There is no economic reason why they should be divested unless it can be shown that they would have synergistic benefits from being combined with SBUs of a different type from those possessed by the group that currently owns them .
8 Gesticulating wildly in a crowded space , so that others are frightened that they might be struck by the defendant , is not punishable unless it can be shown that the defendant was at least aware that his conduct might be having such an effect .
9 On the desirability or otherwise of a comprehensive list of what should be done at each level , the best way to proceed is for there to be a presumption , effectively , that matters are best dealt with at national level unless it can be shown that that is better done at Community level .
10 Paragraph 3.14 of the management document , ’ Contracts for Health Service Operational Principles ’ , states : ’ The DHA will not challenge the GP 's choice of provider unless it can be shown that the proposed referral is wholly unjustified on clinical grounds , or where an alternative referral would be equally efficacious for the patient , taking into account the patient 's wishes . ’
11 It prevents proceedings being transferred for this reason unless it can be shown that no other method , including transfer to another magistrates ' court , is appropriate and that delay would seriously prejudice the child 's interests .
12 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
13 The purchaser must be the person suffering loss unless it can be shown that the purchaser was acting as agent for the injured customer .
14 However , if the parties have agreed the essential terms — price , quantity , date for performance — a court may find that they have reached a concluded contract on the telephone ( but see Levison v Patent Steam Carpet Cleaning Co Ltd [ 1978 ] QB 69 ) unless it can be established that the parties contemplated further formalities before concluding their contract .
15 If a testator has left a legacy of something belonging to him and has alienated it as a consequence of urgent necessity , the trust can be claimed unless it should be shown that the testator intended to adeem it : moreover proof of changed intention is to be required from the heirs .
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