Example sentences of "prepare [pron] for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In exploring such environments pupils will experience the type of argument and logical analysis that will prepare them for the real-life problems they will tackle outside .
2 It has n't prepared me for the outside world ; all it 's done is given me an awareness of myself .
3 I had each Wednesday afternoon off from Russell 's and he enroled me , secretly , into his school for lessons with his normal classes , He and his wife held a weekly open house and these cramming sessions prepared me for the coming Halton entrance examination .
4 Nothing in the three villagers ' long but sheltered past could have prepared them for the horrendous sight that met their eyes .
5 All shale and weeds and winds that picked up speed as they swooped in off the ocean , this strip of barren land prepared you for the final desolation of the Crumbles .
6 Nothing on the exterior , however , prepared one for the stunning exhibition of color , texture , and mural art in the interior , features that constituted a major step in an architectural revolution that was most fully developed in the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago ( 1933–74 ) .
7 It had prepared her for the coming meeting when she would be alone at last with the youth who was King of England ; the youth she loved …
8 But nothing had prepared her for the angry letter she received from the Duke of Edinburgh , says Morton .
9 But nothing had prepared her for the monumental size and sheer glamour of the building .
10 … nothing prepared her for the angry letter she received from the Duke of Edinburgh soon afterwards .
11 We expected a big postbag but nothing could have prepared us for the fantastic response we received !
12 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
13 Nothing had quite prepared us for the sheer presence of king penguins .
14 If you make good use of the contacts it forces you to make in Ardmore , Wellington or Christchurch , you can get a very useful insight into the local scene that helps prepare you for the fascinating flying that lies ahead .
15 In complete contrast , nothing will prepare you for the jaw-dropping experience of taking the desert road out of the city for the first time .
16 Towards the end of the second year some major or joint students of History undertake a six-week period of placement or work experience in a record office , museum or folk park ; others follow a specially-designed short course which prepares them for the final year and for the world of work .
17 As my right hon. Friend prepares himself for the important meeting with President Yeltsin later this week in London , will he take the opportunity of seeing what can be done to deal with the massive threat which still exists from all the different independent Russian states ?
18 ‘ But nothing prepares you for the blinding flash of flares and the noise of the thundercrackers as you run on to the field .
19 The dog entered regularly in breed classes will need to be thoroughly groomed beforehand , standing still while its owner prepares it for the big event .
20 I was once told that Philip Henry Thomas , while preparing himself for the Civil Service examination , had followed his period as a pupil-teacher with a post connected with the railways which were expanding rapidly in industrial South Wales in the 1860s and 1870s .
21 She rested her chin on her knees , preparing herself for the long wait .
22 I became seasoned , gained experience , all the while preparing myself for the lucky chance that would surely come .
23 The eagles talked less now and fell into their own thoughts as if preparing themselves for the dark months ahead .
24 At the top of the stairs , somewhere beyond a short , misty journey , Jeopardy led Lucien into a room where a handful of musicians were preparing themselves for the coming performance .
25 ‘ It is vital that companies prepare themselves for the new Europe and this initiative will help firms in the south .
26 The association of sex and musical imagery reaches a splendid climax in this tale as Alison and Nicholas enjoy " " revel " " and " " melodye " " in bed to a devout musical accompaniment as : The use of animal imagery to describe Alison prepares us for her response to Nicholas 's first assault : while the images of the trave , a frame for holding a horse to be shod , and of the final night of the tale " " derk … as the cole " " , prepare us for the brief scene at Gerveys the blacksmith 's forge ( 3760 – 85 ) .
27 Epstein concluded that management of stress among the experienced parachutists was not due to their repeated exposure to jumping in the manner of a conditioned response , but was a consequence of an active coping process that on each occasion was used to prepare them for the coming jump .
28 You need a sound night 's sleep to prepare you for the taxing journey tomorrow .
29 It was the duty of the medicine man of the line of Armijas to tutor the spirit warrior through the Seven Levels , to prepare her for the final battle , in which she would stand with the other spirit warriors — the Holy Woman From Across the Great Water , the Man With Music in His Heart , the Red-Handed One , the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much , the Great Father in White , the Man Who Rides Alone — against the army of the manitous and the story would end .
30 Those who were too shy or too inexperienced to pray on those occasions would meet together on a Saturday night to read , to pray and to prepare themselves for the following Sabbath day .
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