Example sentences of "prepare [pron] for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Back in London after that trip she said : ‘ Nothing could have prepared me for the agony of seeing countless dying children .
2 Nothing prepared me for the reality of A wing .
3 Have you checked whether their grammar book really prepared them for the complexities of communication ?
4 We prepared ourselves for the experience by drinking half a bottle of brandy each — I was worried about him until then .
5 Certainly , as his mind prepared itself for the acceptance of the
6 Just for a moment he met her eyes , his own very dark and filled with something that made her heart start to beat rapidly , high in her throat , yet nothing could have prepared her for the shock of what he said .
7 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
8 Nothing Ruth had ever imagined prepared her for the magnificence of that day 's scene on the Mersey , though she saw most of it through a mist of tears .
9 Nothing in her 11 years as a member of the world 's most famous family had prepared her for the contents of the letter inside .
10 Nothing in his IBM Corp background could have prepared him for the kind of speech he gave — in fact had to give , if Taligent is to be seen as the answer to the world 's ills .
11 They are narrative , and tell us of a situation , or prepare us for some significant message : Once having told us the story , set the mood , and prepared us for the shout of a choir of angels , Handel could paint a triumphant musical fresco with just a few poetic words :
12 But there is nothing on land that can prepare you for the profusion of shapes and colours of the corals themselves .
13 ‘ No matter how well briefed you 've been ’ , he says , ‘ nothing can prepare you for the shock of international rugby .
14 I have seen photographs of orca , both still and movie , close-up and underwater , but nothing prepares me for the sight of a real one that scythes out of the water 100 metres or so away from the boat .
15 The thick shaggy coat of the mountain goat prepares it for the rigours of the Rocky Mountains ' winter .
16 He has a vision of it as a vehicle which prepares us for the presence of God . ’
17 Thus the plant can , during the latter part of the night , move its leaves to a position appropriate for sunrise ; predatory animals can prepare themselves for the activity of hunting and hunted animals can escape to safety before it is too late .
18 Consequently , they should prepare themselves for the process by shaping the plans for their appointment procedure in some detail .
19 A health authority should seek out a group of " mature " female nurses and a group of male nurses who are in training and prepare them for the purpose of dispelling those commonly held misconceptions .
20 They 're on board an air ambulance which has just landed in Ancona , where they 'll meet the evacuees and prepare them for the journey to Britain .
21 She must prevent Ursula seeing this , at all events prepare her for the reality of it .
22 In terms of er political views , or even those who have no political views , of ethnic make-up and everything of this kind and yet now it seems that at a time when our police forces above all , need to move into the present day and prepare themselves for the challenges of the crime and the criminals at the end of this century and into the next century , we seem to have some misgivings about giving the Home Secretary the powers which are placed in this Bill .
23 Thus our falling plasma adrenalin and body temperature in the evening prepare us for sleep by toning us down , just as rising values from 5 o'clock in the morning onwards prepare us for the rigours of a new day .
24 As part of this exercise we will perform a ‘ practice run ’ with the company 's executives to check the areas where they will be asked questions and to prepare them for the meetings with would be acquirors .
25 He had to prepare them for the study of Old English ( Anglo-Saxon ) , Middle English ( that is , the language and literature of England from about 1200 until 1450 , including Chaucer ) and all the remaining periods of English literature up to the Victorian period .
26 There has been a fall out with the grass court tournaments as the better juniors are now seeking matches on cement to prepare them for the nationals at Nottingham .
27 Those families in which a parent died from an illness known in advance to be terminal seemed to be better able to respond to the needs of their children , and to prepare them for the loss with information and emotional support .
28 ‘ Eight per cent is bad enough but then it goes up to 17.5 per cent so therefore we have got to prepare ourselves for the impact of that and try to minimise the impact on our customers . ’
29 Harry Lamb worked on his father 's farm , managed on five hours ' sleep a night and studied to prepare himself for the Church of Ireland ministry .
30 Thus the education of a king 's son was supposed to include learning to sleep in a hard or badly made bed to prepare him for the rigours of a life of non-stop , and sometimes unexpected , movement .
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