Example sentences of "prepare the [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The goals were to establish a New World Order which would prepare the way for the New World ‘ messiah ’ , the Lord Maitreya .
2 Between now and then , the Quality Development Programme will prepare the ground for the new Framework , giving SCOTVEC and centres time to prepare for the changes .
3 He made converts , and prepared the way for the real planning that began with the bombs of 1940–41 ’ ( Wright , 1982 , p. 9 ) .
4 But just as the invention of print prepared the way for the traditional novel ( Watt 1957:196–200 , Couturier 1991:93–144 ) , so the fictions characters produce in Verbivore are conditioned by the technological advances which have made them possible .
5 In between performances the crew efficiently prepared the way for the next act .
6 The USSR is also supplying equipment for thermal electric stations at San Nicolás , Luján de Cuyo and Costanera , and has prepared the design for the huge $4 billion Paraná Medio scheme .
7 Two further examples may show the effect of Ultra on the conduct of the war : the sinking of the Bismarck on 27 May 1941 ; and that critical moment in the Western Desert in August 1942 when Montgomery , through Ultra , was able to predict the direction and strength of Rommel 's attack at Alam Halfa , where the Axis failure prepared the ground for the British success at El Alamein in the autumn .
8 This chapter has prepared the ground for the next few chapters which deal with the development of the euro.currency markets .
9 The project of integration with which Brooke-Rose began provided sufficient material for ‘ four average , competent novels ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1977a:134 ) , but it also led to a frustration with available formal strategies which prepared the way for the radical change in direction her oeuvre was to take with Out in 1964 .
10 In Section 3.5 there is a discussion of three-dimensional spherically symmetric spaces , which prepares the way for the later treatment of the space–time curvature in isotropic homogeneous cosmological models .
11 It prepares the way for the main body of the essay or answer to the question and should do more than just " set the scene " .
12 Its exposure prepares the audience for the brilliant solos to follow .
13 It was clear that Alistair Bruce and John Moir would have to devote their entire time to preparing the case for the four families .
14 Once through , the tanks would press on into the enemy 's main body , preparing the way for the armoured infantry to clear any remaining opposition .
15 Preparing the way for the 30-strong squad will be Lee Smith , development officer of the New Zealand RFU .
16 BOLDLY ENTERING the future , preparing the way for the high-tech innovations that were to come , Stanley Kubrick 's sci-fi masterpiece was a visionary work combining an astronaut 's human drama with a psychedelic outer space exploration ; tripping through galaxies , pondering the very nature of existence , man 's dependence on machines and the evolution of extra-terrestrial intelligence .
17 WCUK Northern is now busy preparing the groundwork for the three office buildings and three storey car park which will be built at the three acre site just outside the city centre .
18 It was always busy at this time of the year in Belmodes , preparing the collection for the next season .
19 Partly because for the past year the finance minister , Leszek Balcerowicz , and the former prime minister , Tadeusz Mazowiecki , stuck to a policy of preparing the nation for the worst .
20 If so , they were preparing the path for the closer integration of French provinces achieved in the thirteenth century .
21 Both vessels had withdrawn from Colombian territorial waters by Jan. 9 and the incident did not prevent a meeting taking place between representatives from Colombia , Peru and Bolivia on Jan. 10 in Santa Cruz , Bolivia , for the purpose of preparing the ground for the international drug summit ( which Bush was expected to attend ) scheduled to begin in the Colombian city of Cartagena on Feb 15 .
22 These restrictions show that the subjective element is merely preparing the ground for the objective element ; it is not part of a broader defence of emotional pressure of the kind discussed in Chapter 6.5(c) above .
23 You 're the ones who defend the grievances and the disciplines , you 're the ones who prepare the information for the industrial tribunals and there 's no doubt about it , comrades , this one is aimed at you , the representatives .
24 Thame , Cardiff , Emanuel , and Wallington all flourished within the grammar-school tradition and 1959 is a good moment — before the critical voices drown the subtleties of that tradition — to try to define it , to place it in its historical and social context , and to prepare the scene for the massive reorganization of secondary schooling which marked the 1960s .
25 There is no doubt that by returning to nursing in the next decade you will be helping to prepare the profession for the enormous demographic and social challenges facing Britain in the 21st century .
26 This will signal the end of the European Commission 's efforts to prepare the groundwork for the free movement of goods , services and people within the European Community .
27 Some 150 experts in solar energy from across the world met at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in early July to prepare the ground for the second " global solar summit " , scheduled for 1995-97 .
28 In April and May parliament approved a series of measures intended to prepare the ground for the new economic structure .
29 Mrs Postance believes that the heavy digging already completed to prepare the ground for the national curriculum has had a beneficial effect , at least on the teachers , even if the children have yet to reap the harvest : ‘ It 's focused our minds on what we are teaching .
30 After the two men had shaken hands she thankfully escaped , leaving them to talk while she went out to prepare the treatment-room for the first of the morning 's patients .
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