Example sentences of "tend [verb] [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because horses are relatively large , and therefore hard to ignore , people tend to behave in the same way in the presence of a horse .
2 Crowds were composed of groups of family , friends , or work-mates tending to go to the same part of the ground and recognizing those around them .
3 We would only need to witness a marked increase in trade and there will certainly be an increase in demand why do you think trade has increased ? and trade is n't a necessary condition it 's just that trade has tended to grow at the same time as erm as demand is growing .
4 Well I tend to move in the same fleet .
5 Er I , I suppose if we 're going back something like forty , fifty years where people tended to live in the same area most of their lives , and their families in the area , people did n't move very far , they were probably born in an area , went to work in the area and died in the area .
6 They tended to move in the same circles and share many of the same values as the liberal nobility and progressively minded public opinion articulated by journalists , writers , professors , and students .
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