Example sentences of "look at the [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the pragmatics of the decision , however , a closer look at the New Testament and the justification which the early Christians chose to give for abandoning circumcision reveals much about the ritual and ironically brings us back full circle to the notion of gendered blood and the whole culture-nature : male-female scenario .
2 A contemporaneous look at the key influences and events which have shaped ‘ Scotland 's Story ’ up to the present day .
3 The odd day here and there is not important , but if you could let me know within the next couple of weeks or so when you intend to take a major part of your holiday away — if you know — I do n't myself know erm yet — but if you do know then I can have a look at the overall picture and see that we 're not all dispersed .
4 Naturally this will also involve a much more critical look at the existing syllabuses and there will be areas where it will be felt that curriculum reforms consistent with enlightened teaching and effective learning are imperative .
5 also travelled to Strasbourg for a look at the European Parliament and for meetings with MEPs , and to Zurich where he was met by Secretary of HCIMA Switzerland and Principal of the Swiss School of Hotel Management and Tourism .
6 It 's an affectionate look at the daily life and characters in the town centre and follows on from her first two books , On The Corner and Heart of the Town .
7 Catriona took a look at the brown liquid and thought , ‘ I 'm nineteen years old , I 've failed all my O-grades , and I 'm a disgrace to my family .
8 One look at the dramatic bays and steep-sided cracks in the rock cloaked in shrubs and plants shows why .
9 He took one look at the pale figure and said to Shelley , ‘ Is it appendix ? ’
10 Wickham gave a jaundiced look at the cooling pizza and followed him down the stairs .
11 You know that it is extremely risky to leave the choice late and that , at the very latest , you must be organised in time to have a good look at the proposed field and to get into a good position for a proper base leg .
12 Well we were gon na have a look at the antique places but none of them were open .
13 Next month RW&P talks to the main men and gives an in-depth look at the Italian scene and asks whether rugby can afford to turn a blind eye .
14 They then undertake a detailed study of Europe in the Early and Late Middle Ages , followed by an in-depth look at the Italian Renaissance and its impact on the development of European culture and society .
15 The boy cast one horrified look at the bowler-hatted majesty and communicated his message to the donkey .
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