Example sentences of "doubt [subord] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Taking up the case , The Wall Street Journal , which reports statements made by Jeanne 's son , expressed doubts as to the rectitude of the French museum 's behaviour .
2 The Council for the Protection of Rural England ( CPRE ) acts as the nation 's independent guard dog on such matters and has major doubts as to the benefit of these proposals should they become law .
3 Later , when the crankshaft 's centrifuge covers were removed , great wedges of thick black tar-like oil gave rise to grave doubts as to the authenticity of the engine records which showed that only 81–1/2 hours were booked to this engine .
4 The provisions relating to Economic and Monetary Union take the form of amendments to the EEC Treaty and therefore form an integral part of Community law ( even if one might have doubts as to the likelihood of the factual events which would trigger the final stage ) ; on the other hand , in the context of the provisions relating to political Union , a distinction was made between those matters which constituted amendments to the existing Community treaties , and those which fell outside the scope of the Communities , notably the provisions on a Common foreign and Security policy and those on co-operation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs .
5 Two considerations ended Ferdinand 's doubts as to the possibility of defying liberalism .
6 Any lingering doubts as to the existence of rugs in antiquity were dispelled by a remarkable discovery made by the Russian archaeologist S.J. Rundenko during his excavation of a Scythian ( or possibly Turkoman ) tomb in the Altai mountain range of southern Siberia ( 1947–49 ) .
7 She was terrified that if she poured out the tale to her husband now , he would be filled with doubts as to the extent of her previous involvement with Davis .
8 Political commercials might not be as persuasive as is commonly thought , but there are few doubts as to the importance of candidate appearances on ‘ free ’ news broadcasts .
9 And while it may be too easy to interpret some of the recent decisions on moorland ploughing in terms of political influences and the ideologies and interests that now dominate the parks , inevitably they raise doubts as to the adequacy of the testing of the issues involved .
10 However , despite early adoption there have been considerable doubts as to the effectiveness of such rational approaches .
11 Many doctors expressed doubts as to the propriety of using the speculum .
12 With respect to goods purchased from a non owner , this rule has been construed by the Swiss Supreme Court to mean that ‘ whenever the circumstances raise doubts as to the quality of the seller , the purchaser may no longer content himself with the mere appearance constituted by possession ; the purchaser must enquire into the seller 's capacity to convey property right ’ .
13 It is clear from their context and from the structure of criminal appeals that these judicial doubts as to the right of the appellant/respondent to raise non-certified questions before the House of Lords can only refer to the situation exemplified by Berry ( No. 2 ) — viz , where grounds of appeal have been argued before but not determined by the Court of Appeal .
14 Sir Gwilym Gibbon ( 1942 ) , a former Permanent Secretary , in Reconstruction and town and country planning had no doubts as to the efficacy of good planning and the need to follow important principles in the redevelopment that was to come .
15 Students ( particularly advanced students ) are frequently vexed by doubts as to the amount of detail that they should put into their answer .
16 The ambiguity was the product of two factors : unwillingness to pay for larger armed forces and doubts as to the policy of South Korea itself .
17 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
18 Although having doubts as to the width of the order , Woolf L.J .
19 These brief indications drawn from the literature leave no doubt as to the scale of the problems facing the Labour government elected in a landslide victory in 1945 .
20 If there is any reasonable doubt as to the court in which an action against the Crown should be brought , it may be commenced in the court for the district in which the plaintiff or one of the plaintiffs resides or carries on business ( Ord 42 , r 2 ) .
21 The undertaker 's trade card was explicit and left no one in doubt as to the range of items available from any one merchant .
22 The Sheriff Principal , in referring to the views of the Sheriff , expressed some doubt as to the entitlement of the pursuers to recover 75 per cent of the contract price if they had no legal justification for refusing to complete the installation .
23 Chefs in any doubt as to the influence of the grand dames of the ovens should remember that the three- Michelin -star Georges Blanc in Vonnas used to be La Mère Blanc until the son took over from his maman .
24 Systems of animal ‘ communication ’ are held to be mere signalling systems , systems for which there is some doubt as to the meaningfulness of the messages contained therein as opposed to their characteristic causal efficacy in evoking or triggering certain responses .
25 Without , apparently , a single doubt as to the validity of this premise , the advice was laid down , the warnings given .
26 If the official receiver is in doubt as to the validity of a claim , he should mark the proof and allow the creditor to vote subject to his vote being subsequently declared invalid if the objection is sustained ( r 6.94(3) ) .
27 Per Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. ( i ) In cases of doubt as to the effect of a purported refusal of treatment , where failure to treat threatens the patient 's life or to cause irreparable damage to his health , doctors and health authorities should not hesitate to apply to the courts for assistance ( post , pp. 798G — 799A , H ) .
28 In cases of doubt as to the effect of a purported refusal of treatment , where failure to treat threatens the patient 's life or threatens irreparable damage to his health , doctors and health authorities should not hesitate to apply to the courts for assistance .
29 Information then became available at people 's fingertips and when Mr Fallon launched the Echo on CD-Rom he said : ‘ Let us be in no doubt as to the importance of this new resource for schools , business users and the community . ’
30 The landlord will frequently require a guarantor or guarantors for an assignee and while the tenant may wish to have absolute control as to whether this is reasonable , the fact is that as the tenant will have a continuing liability throughout the lease , it is in the tenant 's best interests for the assignee to supply a guarantor or guarantors wherever there may be some doubt as to the quality of the assignee 's financial covenant .
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