Example sentences of "provision [modal v] be made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 More provision should be made for the under-fives ; teachers ' aides should be recruited and trained ; problem areas should get extra teachers ; home-school relations should be improved , and a triangular partnership of home-school-child established .
2 Special provision should be made for the 2,000 or so full-time adult education staff , including LEA organizers , along the lines suggested in the first Haycocks Report .
3 Provision should be made for the chairing of each meeting and for the taking of votes .
4 Accordingly , provision should be made for the expenses of cleaning and maintaining the sanitary facilities .
5 An additional provision should be made in the profit and loss account for replacement of rail passenger assets .
6 In this particular situation , a letter of support would indicate a legal or commercial obligation , and so provision should be made against the debit minority interest recognised in the consolidated balance sheet .
7 Provision should be made against the investment if there is any impairment in value .
8 Adequate provision must be made for the various kinds of aquatic plants , for some prefer the shallows around the pool while others require much deeper water .
9 Under such leases , the builder/developer would be responsible for erecting a building or a number of buildings upon a particular site , and detailed provision might be made for the manner of their construction and continuing maintenance , even down to the type of subsequent letting of the buildings which was to be permitted .
10 No provision could be made for the selection of books to be kept up to date and they are not much used now , but there is an excellent service of books from the Argyll and Bute District library for the residents and patients in the hospital .
11 Recommending how such provision could be made within the districts , Glancy ( as the report was known after the psychiatrist leading the group ) concluded that admissions to Friern could cease after the date when the proposed new services were in place .
12 You will then be better able to judge what provisions need be made for the fish and plant life you would like in your completed pool .
13 Provision would be made for the possible transfer of other functions at a later date , ( e.g. The assessments of means , decisions on the grant of criminal legal aid , and at least some of the determinations of bills now carried out in the courts ) .
14 Under its terms provision would be made for the repatriation of refugees , and some control of local and regional affairs would be conferred on the Tuaregs .
15 Provision will be made for the conduct of the business of the offeree during the period , if any , between signing and completion and for the right for the acquirer to terminate the contract if any major changes occur or breaches of warranty are discovered during such period .
16 Full provision will be made for the costs of preparing and reviewing the completion accounts
17 In this way provision can be made for the control of potential odours by requiring certain odour abatement equipment to be installed .
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