Example sentences of "degree of [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This has had a reciprocal impact on RX 's internal functioning ; reducing what were previously sharp breaks in the RX value chain has consolidated the iden-tification of subsequent workgroups as ‘ customers ’ with a degree of choice within the extended RX production network .
2 An outright refusal to give the victim of a damaging comment a reasonable opportunity to reply — a rejection of a polite letter to the editor , for example — may similarly betray a degree of malice behind the original comment .
3 They represent a serious degree of inequality in the earned income of men and women and , while the 1984 figures show a marked improvement over the figures for 1970 , there still remains a serious gap in the earnings of men and women .
4 This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide .
5 Similarly radicals overstate the degree of unanimity among the medical profession , which is in fact riven with dissension and competing ideologies .
6 The propensity for errors to occur must be balanced against the necessity for both management and surveying staff to have a reasonable degree of trust in the analysed cost figures produced .
7 The attempt to build a broad Jacobite alliance of disaffected Whigs and Tories around Country principles met with some degree of success in the early 1690s .
8 The number of trusts has grown from 493 in 1980 to 1379 in 1989 , with many commentators predicting a certain degree of rationalisation in the 1990's , although there is no evidence of this as yet .
9 A fundamental control is the degree of instability of the reacting system , or in our mechanical analogy ( Fig. 6.4 ) , how far up the slope our ball is located .
10 Now let us consider three different conditions each representing a different degree of anxiety within the same task .
11 The results in the immunofluorescence test showed a high degree of correlation between the two laboratories ( Kappa coefficient=0.8 ) .
12 What he missed here was any consideration of the degree of resistance by the dispossessed classes and those sections of the population which follows them ; this surely is the determinant of the level and degree of violence necessary to reorganise social and economic life .
13 Davies v. Sumner is the leading authority on the meaning of the expression ‘ in the course of a business ’ and has been followed in a case under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , R. & B. Customs Brokers v. United Dominion Trust , where it was held that a business 's buying of two or three cars over a period of five years was an insufficient degree of regularity for the latest such purchase to be regarded as made in the course of the business ( see paragraph 10–18 above . )
14 But it is surprising how many works by composers such as Schubert and Beethoven , who probably never dreamed of creating mathematical proportions , have a degree of exactness in the relative length of sections of movements .
15 But the spectacle of a few Labour MPs begging for Nationalist arms to link with , on the grounds that ‘ we 're all on the same side , really ’ gives a degree of credibility to the Tory scare-story that it previously lacked .
16 The resources required by the procedure have been identified , and some degree of interconnection between the envisaged sub-systems is apparent , mainly involving the transfer of information .
17 Quite separately , the monopolies legislation of 1948 , with its general if vague aim of ensuring a ‘ fair ’ degree of competition outside the nationalised industries , implied acceptance of the operation of private enterprise in ways which were substantially inconsistent with the extension of' industrial planning .
18 Hence , no matter how competitive labour and commodity markets are ( Keynes assumed perfect competition in the former and allowed for a high degree of competition in the latter ) , imbalances between the supply of and demand for labour would not be rectified through spontaneous variations in the real wage rate .
19 When comparing terrace patterns from one area to another one should take into account , not only the height , but also the degree of development and the degree of complexity of the various members of terrace sequences , i.e. whether certain terraces seem compounded of several minor elements .
20 The change in a , may well give rise to a change in savings behaviour ( savings being influenced by the degree of regression to the mean ) , and this may modify the conclusions .
21 He had a degree of concern for the vanquished Germans , and respect for them as individuals , which taught me another valuable lesson , and which still makes his name in Wilhelmshaven one which is honoured rather than reviled .
22 It had taken all her courage to come here with head held high , to converse with any degree of composure with the young men who interestedly flocked about her , thanks to Araminta 's loose tongue .
23 CAN NOT help feeling a certain degree of admiration for the Evangelical Christians who are , invariably , to be found lurking behind every accusation of satanic child abuse .
24 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
25 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he very firmly and convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
26 Indeed for those insiders living in Cheater 's metaphorical front room — such as in the police — the need to obscure and seek a degree of anonymity from the analytic gaze can be described as a major principle in the preservation of power , ranking highly in the structures of significance .
27 It was reported that Samater , the outgoing Prime Minister , was reappointed only after the failure of efforts to bring into the post someone from the Issak tribe , whose appointment could suggest some degree of reconciliation in the civil war .
28 It is pleasing that there is a large degree of support for the Southern fire station as I said it was music to my ears .
29 Meanwhile the degree of support for the Communist Refoundation Party ( PRC ) , which secured 5.6 per cent of the vote , suggested that in spite of events in eastern Europe loyalty to Communist theory persisted .
30 The idea of introducing a degree of democratisation in the political sphere , put on the ‘ back burner ’ since 1980 , was advanced again in the slightly more relaxed and optimistic atmosphere of the new year .
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