Example sentences of "express [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The USSR noted ‘ with satisfaction ’ that ‘ Iran is expressing its support for the world-wide democratic international Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
2 The metaphysical poets of the 17th century were rarely interested in pastoral as a game and preferred to move on to a more realistic way of expressing their discontentment with the mercantile age they lived in .
3 Mr Yeltsin meanwhile sent a message to John Major expressing his gratitude for the Prime Minister 's support and understanding .
4 However , Slovak Premier Jan Carnogursky dismissed the idea on Aug. 16 , expressing his satisfaction with the existing government coalition , while welcoming any support the HZDS might give to government economic policy .
5 Simon was not reticent in expressing his dislike for the Jaguar-driving members who had previously snubbed him .
6 Write to the Prime Minister of India , expressing your concern about the widespread use of torture by the security forces to interrogate and intimidate detainees .
7 In doing so I should like to express my gratitude to the late Herman Dooyeweerd and to Irving Kristol both of whom have influenced my thinking .
8 I 'M writing to express my disagreement with the Irish League-IFA on the allocation of venues for cup semi-finals and finals .
9 Sir , — Following your correspondent A McKirdy , I would also like to express my dissatisfaction with the current system of ticket allocation for international rugby .
10 In a letter to staff he said : ‘ I have to express my disappointment at the proposed changes .
11 THE Eastern Local Medical Committee representing 386 General Practitioners in the Eastern Board , wishes to express its opposition to the proposed withdrawal of 1,200 general surgical and 1,5 operations from the Royal Victoria Hospital .
12 The Banbridge Metal Detecting Club , Northern Ireland , wishes to express their gratitude to the following people , who responded so positively to the Lyndsay Fairley Cerebral Palsy Fund and the Romanian Orphans Appeal Fund .
13 Central Council would like to express their gratitude for the many generous donations and gifts which help to maintain the high standard of care given to the Home 's guests .
14 The families , she said , had asked her to express their gratitude for the warm and caring support from everyone there ; they were grateful , too , for the many messages of support and sympathy coming from outside Orkney .
15 At a nod from his father , the undertaker beckoned towards a group of men who came forward with subdued eyes , eager to express their sympathy in the one manly way that was open to them .
16 It remains to be seen what precise form of words are agreed by the 12 heads of government to express their commitment to the next stage of monetary union .
17 Labour 's John Aberdeen talked to colleagues at the Scottish Labour Party Conference ; the Conservative candidate , Hampshire barrister Dr Paul McCormick , made an immediate and thorough study of the circumstances surrounding the removal of the children , and Frances McKie for the Scottish National Party was quick to express her horror of the Social Work Department 's actions .
18 This attitude also led him to express his distaste for the American-sponsored discussions on world trade , known as the Kennedy Round , that were currently being conducted within GATT : again , he suspected that they would produce a heightened American influence in Europe , something that would not be in Western Europe 's or France 's interests .
19 In fact , Lok has made comparisons before this , when , as on this occasion , he was struggling to express his understanding of the new people : " " " He changes shape like a bear in a cave " " " and " " " He is like a cat and he is not like a cat .
20 Although in prose — as one says , perhaps too much influenced by the conventions of the comedies — this is one of the most serious scenes in the play ( 91–229 ) , and when the soldiers have left the King ascends to verse for what is to me the most deeply felt speech of all : In his own persona the King speaks verse , entering on to a prose-scene between Fluellen and Gower to express his anger at the French murder of the luggage-minders , and continuing in verse to Fluellen ( IV.vii.55–118 ) .
21 Newbolt was quick to express his hostility to the whole notion of formal " institutions " .
22 We consider that if judges are approached by the broadcasting authorities with a request to take part in a broadcast on some special occasion , the judge concerned ought to consult the Lord Chancellor , who would always be ready to express his opinion on the particular request .
23 Many families expressed their concern about the repeated illness among children and the increasing number of children with asthma and who were having to use inhalers .
24 They expressed their fury with the godly in lewd ballads that echo through Underdown 's story .
25 Security will be tight : Peru 's Maoist guerrillas , Sendero Luminoso , expressed their disapproval of the whole business by setting off a number of bombs in Ica last week and murdering the wife of the rector of the local university .
26 The ministers expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan government , which survived a coup attempt in February [ see pp. 38759-60 ] .
27 In their elaborated reasons the justices expressed their conclusion in the following terms :
28 At a rally in London , they expressed their anger at the proposed changes in the way they work .
29 The parish expressed their appreciation to the National Trust for the use of the Coniston Hall and also to all those who made the occasion such a happy family affair .
30 Famous writer and critic Marghanita Laski expressed her amazement at the strange treatment given to ‘ such words as those till recently written as f-dash and c-dash ’ .
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