Example sentences of "responsibility for the [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The board admitted responsibility for the affair and apologised for any ‘ errors ’ in accepting Mr Birt 's freelance status which gave him tax advantages .
2 The board admitted responsibility for the affair and apologised for any ‘ errors ’ in accepting Mr Birt 's freelance status which gave him tax advantages .
3 Although Robert Teeter remained as the nominal head of the Bush campaign , it was generally acknowledged that Baker would use his new post to exercise overall and ultimate responsibility for the campaign and attempt to provide it with a greater degree of coherence .
4 Some shareholders have called on Sir Derek , who masterminded the ISC takeover , to take responsibility for the debacle and resign .
5 Kanemaru accepted responsibility for the payment and resigned as vice-president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) .
6 For the time being you will retain hands-on responsibility for the operation but afford us any assistance we require .
7 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
8 The aim of such a meeting would not be to see whether any staff members have particular responsibility for the event but to try to develop a shared understanding of why it occurred .
9 If they fail will they assume responsibility for the failure or blame someone else ?
10 The Ulster Volunteer Force admitted responsibility for the shooting and claimed that the man was an active Irish Republican Army member who had been involved with the killing of four Ulster Defence Regiment soldiers at Downpatrick , Co Down , in April 1990 .
11 iii Caretaker or lost child : This child takes responsibility for the family and looks after it by gently blending into the background and keeping the peace .
12 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
13 It has also encouraged LEAs to exercise their responsibilities for the curriculum and encouraged those outside schools , such as governors and people in industry , to play a more important part in discussions about the curriculum .
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