Example sentences of "responsibility for [v-ing] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Special thanks were due to Chris Markham who had had overall responsibility for organising the day and her band of very efficient and hard-working helpers .
2 The responsibility for organising the training and co-ordination of ministries , including that of musicians , is likely to fall upon the clergy .
3 J R Hall ( Points of View , 12 February ) is right to suggest that British Rail would be able to make a profit if the Government took full responsibility for funding the provision and maintenance of railway infrastructure as it does roads .
4 The Group Occupational Hygienist has responsibility for monitoring the environment and policing systems to comply with the policy objectives .
5 According to Brazilian law the responsibility for controlling the sale and the use of mercury lies with the national institute for the environment , IBAMA and in theory these controls are very strict , all importers and dealers are supposed to be registered , and the use of mercury in any process and in whatever quantity , how ever small , requires an official permit .
6 But as her husband 's health declined she took on responsibility for maintaining the farm and orchard which was the family 's main source of income .
7 ’ It has to be done because it 's the law but there will be a lot of ill feeling if farmers take all the responsibility for clearing the land and then no-one uses it . ’
8 Responsibility for drafting the bill and printing is borne by the Member although financial assistance is given to the first ten members and drafting assistance is given to any member whose bill appears to have a chance of becoming law .
9 There was no 1940 general election and by 1945 the voters remembered both that the Labour Party had shared responsibility for winning the war and that it had opposed the Conservative policies which led to the war .
10 The risk of the Kantineservice decision is that , although there is no true transfer of an undertaking when the franchisor is changed , the person acquiring the franchise may be seen as taking over responsibility for running the undertaking and will normally retain the original employees .
11 Responsibility for protecting the environment and for limiting damage already inflicted , lies with the entire human community .
12 The LASMO Arts Trust has specific responsibility for arranging the festival and providing financial support to all finalists .
13 Women continue to accept major responsibilities for managing the home and bringing up children .
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