Example sentences of "depend very [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Neocolor crayons are very versatile and , of course , depend very much on the surface used .
2 However , costs in either event depend very much on the use which is made of lawyers .
3 The implementation of the European Community 's 1992 programme depends very heavily on the enactment of new law , not just at Community level , but also — because most Community law does not work directly , but relies on national implementing measures — at national level .
4 This is encouraging , for , as HM Inspectors have said , ‘ the development of music in primary schools depends very largely on the level of expertise and quality of teaching available ’ ( The Teaching and Learning of Music , Aspects of Primary Education series , HMSO , 1991 ) .
5 Successful nursing depends very largely on the nurse 's ability to deal effectively with information received through the senses , whether it is obtained by formal means , such as taking blood-pressure , temperatures and so on or by informal means such as noticing changes in the patient 's condition during bed-making .
6 At the Sunday Times Hospital of the Year awards , he said quality of NHS care ‘ depends very largely on the luck of the draw ’ .
7 Patricia Knapp , in the United States , once commented that one could get a perfectly good liberal education from a paperback bookshop : the sense in which this is true must not however blind us to the fact that self-learning of this kind has its weaknesses , is unreliable , and depends very much on the way in which the student undertakes his task .
8 What sort of furniture you have depends very much on the style of your home , your tastes and your pocket .
9 In spite of this useful work , density remains a rather static and misleading statistic in that it depends very much on the unit used to compute the density .
10 Going back to the source map , the level of detail and accuracy depends very much on the map scale .
11 The success of the treatment depends very much on the skill and intelligence of the operatives and careful supervision to ensure that attention is given to the full extent of affected areas .
12 While this would be possible , it would be hard to protect such rights in any great detail through , for example , some form of constitutional entrenchment since the standard of these rights depends very much on the state of the economy and on demographic factors such as the numbers of elderly in the population ( currently increasing greatly ) and the number of children and the size of the working population .
13 That depends very much on the approach of some individuals .
14 Although craft activity in some form was carried on almost everywhere , whether it can properly be termed industry depends very much on the objective and scale of the undertaking .
15 The effect that this current has on the rest of the dendrite , and hence in due course the cell body , depends very much on the geometry of the region around the synapse ; biophysical calculations show that spine synapses are more effective than shaft synapses in spreading the current , and in any given spine , the current flow is dependent on its exact shape .
16 This depends very much on the age of the victim though , for accidents involving small children usually occur in their own residential street , whilst older children are more often involved at junctions and along busier streets .
17 I think it depends very much on the age of the people getting married
18 ‘ Moreover , the argument that a custodial institution is inevitably a university of crime depends very much on the regime there and the allocation of inmates .
19 But , as every good gardener knows , healthy plant growth depends very much on the fertility and structure of the soil .
20 The value of illuminated manuscripts depends very much on the nature , quality and size of all these pictorial decorations , with the textual content and beauty of the calligraphy often playing a comparatively minor role .
21 What is included in the definition of the premises depends very much on the nature of the premises and the building .
22 in fact , although the breeding season is normally said to begin in March , this depends very much on the weather and , again , availability of food .
23 The future pattern of urban development and resultant population growth therefore depends very much on the outcome of political battles between the various interest groups , including central and local government , the developers and the different types of conservation lobby ( HBF , 1985 ) .
24 Most will want a reasonable input — usually between £10,000 and £20,000 , although the actual amount is often negotiable and depends very much on the client 's circumstances .
25 The success of module-based part-time advanced degree work depends very much on the connection of studies between differing realms of subjects and differing fields of organization .
26 Success will depend very largely on the dancer 's own sense of timing and ability so to perform the gestures created that they convey meaning which makes sense within the context of the ballet .
27 Since the financial resources of the school will depend very largely on the number of pupils , and open enrolment may allow popular schools to take additional pupils , this will intensify the pressure on schools with falling rolls .
28 The cost of your expert will depend very much on the type of expert you are instructing and the type of report that you request .
29 The type of work offered will depend very much on the employer you train with .
30 The use of the test as a prelude to intervention will depend very much on the extent to which it is regarded as important to direct remediation at the specific linguistic functions which this test addresses .
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