Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] [noun sg] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He failed in three attempts to secure election to the Trades Union Congress 's parliamentary committee , but he represented the vellum binders at the foundation conference of the labour representation committee in February 1900 , and was elected to its executive .
2 RETURN_DETAIL/ — is a return parameter providing a report of the errors encountered during the attempt to grant/deny approval to the package .
3 Former mayor Marion Barry , who had recently been convicted of cocaine possession [ see pp. 37647 ; 37769 ] , failed in his attempt to secure election to the city council , winning only 17 per cent of the vote .
4 In an attempt to do justice to the complexity of opinions , the research comprises three parts : a national attitude survey , to determine the structure of attitudes at one point in time ; follow-up interviews with a small number of respondents to the national survey , in which the experience of using various welfare services is being explored in detail ; and the re-analysis of information from previous surveys on similar topics , to see whether attitudes have changed much in recent years .
5 Tony Benn , Ken Livingstone and Dennis Skinner , Labour chairman , joined in an attempt to rally opposition to the review at a pre-conference fringe meeting .
6 But the logic of punk 's evangelistic drive to change things led to a attempt to take demystification to the people : the pop deconstruction of ABC ( exposing pop 's stage managing , as on the sleeve of The Lexicon of Love ) and Scritti Politti ( affirming and unravelling , simultaneously , the lover 's non-sensical discourse ) .
7 It provided for nationalization of forests , the sale of some state-owned industries to provide money for agricultural development , some worker participation in prophet sharing , revision of electoral laws ( including significant rights for women ) , the formation of a Literacy Corps in an attempt to take education to the countryside and .
8 He was accorded this title in March at a meeting in Islamabad of nine warring factions called by Pakistan in an attempt to bring peace to the country .
9 This approach , based on the House of Lords decision in Ebrahimi v Westbourne Galleries [ 1973 ] AC 360 , attempts to give weight to the intentions and expectations of the parties .
10 In the sixth century its ancient Christian traditions were strong enough to sustain resistance to Justinian 's attempts to dictate doctrine to the church .
11 In the face of the fundamentalists ' electoral success , the FLN political bureau on June 17 issued a statement rejecting " all attempts to return Islam to the era of charlatanism and myths or to use it as an instrument of demagogy and political opportunism " .
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