Example sentences of "demand for [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The name was taken from the date in 1991 on which 14 people were killed by Soviet troops during the crisis over Lithuania 's demands for independence from the USSR [ see pp. 37944-45 ] .
2 ‘ There is , however , an analogous and broader principle embracing demands for money by the Crown or public authorities which come under the heading of duress because of the nature of the sanctions levied or threatened against the subject if he refuses to pay .
3 There were similar demands for reform from the people - , and there were corresponding conservatism .
4 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
5 Disagreements remained over US demands for cuts in the volume of EC farm exports , the level of reductions in price subsidies , and EC proposals to limit US exports to the EC of cereal substitutes .
6 The directors are accordingly not obliged to maximise current profits in order to satisfy short-term demands for dividends at the expense of a growth in profitability over a longer period .
7 The Accounting Standards Board responded to the increasing demands for improvement in the way in which financial performance is reported and in April 1991 published a discussion draft putting forward its proposals .
8 A steering committee of the ruling RDC , at an extraordinary session on May 14 , 1990 , rejected increasing demands for multipartyism on the grounds that such a system " does not constitute an absolute basis for democracy and economic development " .
9 He seems to be making his demands for concessions from the industry on the basis that otherwise he will go for a ban .
10 Edward agreed to renounce his claim to the French crown , while John was to abandon his demand for sovereignty over the lands ceded to the English .
11 It positively relates the demand for money to the level of income .
12 These statements can be summarized as where is the demand for real money balances , and are as above and and are the coefficients describing the sensitivity of the demand for money to the level of income and the rate of interest respectively .
13 However , some may feel that there is more to footing a bill than merely paying it : there is a hint of reluctance , of the imposition of an unwelcome demand for money on the payer , which renders the equivalence of the contrasts in 17 slightly suspect .
14 I am not aware of any significant demand for changes in the form of the Order Paper .
15 For example , we may find that a job applicant for a position in sales was an international athlete in her teens ; on its own this piece of data is interesting but provides almost no insight into future performance in sales , especially if there is no demand for athletics in the job .
16 B. There has been a growing demand for water for the cities and industries nearby .
17 The Misbourne is just one of many rivers and streams that have fallen victim to the recent drought and the increase in demand for water in the south .
18 The aim of the research project is to examine changing demand for skills in the chemical , construction , engineering and food processing industries and the major unions ' perceptions of its effects on their members ' jobs and their own spheres of influence in the work place and in national trade-union politics .
19 They will also create indirect demand for resources through the operating system , which is both itself a resource and a consumer of resources .
20 The demand for English as the world 's lingua franca continues unabated , as does the demand among publishers of ELT material for growth and a financial return .
21 Alright , in order to satiate the demand for wheat in the world , we 'd need a farm , you know , the size of Wales , or something , or bigger than that , the size of Europe , or half the size of Europe , alright , so the , because of the , the nature of agricultural production , economies of scale just are n't , are n't there .
22 The demand for milk in the cities was met mainly by cow-keepers operating in the city itself or in the suburbs .
23 The growing demand for pasta in the UK is illustrated both by the increasing number of specialised pasta outlets and by the growing menu presence of pasta in pizza restaurants , according to Master Foods , which markets the Dolmio brand of frozen pastas and sauces .
24 This means that the emphasis on modelling demand for fuels at the level of the individual household will , in itself be novel , and will allow account to be taken of the enormous variation that exists in household income , demographic characteristics and appliance stocks .
25 There is now much more public demand for support to the victims of violent crime .
26 NEC Corp is forecasting unconsolidated net profit of $430m in the fiscal year just started , up from an estimated $344m for the fiscal 1993 just ended ; the company sees strong demand for semiconductors in the US and Southeast Asia , and looks to launch of new personal computers , and domestic economic recovery around this summer following the government 's economic package , including the expected supplementary budget , NEC said .
27 As a result , the store where Dinah had purchased her fine things sent a demand for payment to the University , as they were unaware of any other address .
28 Anglo-Welsh also mention the ‘ growing pressure ’ on regional brewers , particularly from the ever-increasing demand for lager at the expense of ales .
29 This has again generated a demand for specialists in the EP area .
30 Thus TDC was able to cope without overcrowding with the inexorable but still moderate increase in demand for capacity during the period 1955 to 1975 .
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