Example sentences of "statement made [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was therefore desirable in the public interest that statements made to the appropriate authority investigating a complaint against a police officer should not be liable to be produced or disclosed or referred to in any proceedings save disciplinary or criminal proceedings officially brought against the police officer in question .
2 Critical statements made about the 14th Army 's withdrawal by its commander , Gen. Aleksandr Lebed , drew a rebuke from Russian Defence Minister Marshal Pavel Grachev , to the effect that the military should not become involved in politics .
3 Statements made in the seventeenth century about the desirability of separating science from religion have to be read against a background in which the excesses of an enchanted universe were straining credulity .
4 Is the Secretary of State aware that the Opposition welcome the statements made by the Prime Minister and the Taoiseach at last night 's meeting , on the future progress of talks between the two Governments , and that Northern Ireland will be high on their agenda — as it will on the agenda of the Labour Government ?
5 The trial judge , however , directed the jury that there was no evidence available against the first appellant that he was acting in concert , and that the only evidence that there was a concerted attack came , if the jury accepted it , from statements made by the second appellant outwith the presence of the first appellant .
6 Later , when dealing with the case against the appellant Low , and having told the jury that they could not consider as evidence against him any statements made by the second appellant , he added : ‘ Now in deciding what it was that the first accused is proved to have done , you must consider all the evidence available in the case against the first accused in coming to this decision , but only that evidence . ’
7 The coup was declared illegal by the government and its allies , among them France , the French officer responsible for presidential security declaring the coup unlawful in a statement made at the main square in Moroni , the capital .
8 This policy statement made for the first time in this context a distinction in the Secretary of State 's approach to mandatory life sentences on the one hand and discretionary life sentences on the other .
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