Example sentences of "catch up [prep] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 When they finally caught up with the aftershocks of the mid-Eighties housequake , they immediately started looking for ways to whip up an old-style moral panic .
2 It is precisely because market forces have in the long run caught up with the operation of the CAP , as they inevitably would , that we are in such trouble .
3 For them , especially , it 's time we caught up with the rest of the European Community and extended to all workers employment protection , pro rata benefits and pay , as well as parental leave and childcare .
4 so while our climbers rest and enjoy the sea air we can now catch up with the rest of the sporting action …
5 Chart 3 indicates that , as a result of the advertising , growth in Gold 90 balances in Scottish branches initially grew much faster , although , subsequent to the advertising campaign , growth in English and Welsh branches has caught up with the help of other communications , including the Personal Customer Newsletter and posters in branches supporting some magnificent local sales efforts .
6 If I am in a studio and initially feel slightly lukewarm towards a particular piece I find it does not last very long because I soon get caught up with the work of a strong artist .
7 The principles here are clear , fully Catholic and yet in terms of pre-conciliar Roman theory revolutionary ( not so revolutionary in practice : some sacramental sharing had always continued in parts of the East where ecclesiastical reality had never quite caught up with the theory of ultramontanism ) .
8 The real value of the licence fee has grown at a relatively slow pace and has never quite caught up with the rate of inflation .
9 ‘ It 's like being caught up on a bit of barbed wire . ’
10 Best of all , he tells of the people caught up on the fringes of small wars , and finds in their resilience the small mercies of his title .
11 Basrah had a hard war , first by being caught up on the fringes of routine military engagements and later by itself becoming a direct target for bombardment .
12 This was no new departure : Charles I had wanted a strong navy , though his reliance on unparliamentary taxation to pay for it had led to trouble ; the Republic had gone further afield than previous governments and had won some notable successes ; and Charles II and his brother James had tried to build up a strong navy without becoming too caught up by the House of Commons and its desire to control policy by controlling finance .
13 Aziz and Hasan were caught up in a maze of stout shoes , Sherley 's extendable dog-leads and sniffing , quivering red setters , corgis , Jack Russells , Old English Sheepdogs and pugs .
14 Or was he , like so many millions of others , caught up in a swell of mindless sentiment which hardly knew what it was doing ?
15 In spite of this , it was half an hour before she came downstairs dressed up to the nines in a pin-striped trouser-suit , her hair caught up in a turban of white silk .
16 I did n't reply because all at once we were caught up in a crush of people who seemed to erupt from nowhere , running , pushing against each other .
17 It is like in a story such as the ballet Giselle when Alberic goes to her tomb and is caught up in a vision of her .
18 Barely noticing the brief , sharp moment of pain as her flesh yielded to his , she was caught up in a maelstrom of whirling sensations , the hard , pulsating rhythm drawing her down into an emotional whirlpool , before her body was suddenly racked by shuddering convulsions of a pleasure so incredibly intense that it was almost too much to bear .
19 Her fingers dug deep into his shoulders as she clung to him , caught up in a maelstrom of sensation , too stunned by the sheer beauty of it all to register more than the most fleeting second of pain .
20 Of course this is a self-destructive and lonely ‘ solution' ; Lucy herself admits that she has got caught up in a pattern of starving and bingeing which she is at the moment unable to see a way out of .
21 If you put them in the dustbin they will eventually find their way to a land fill site where some unfortunate animal might get caught up in a piece of it .
22 South West appointed the finance director only to have him vetoed by the Government on the grounds that he was caught up in a Department of Trade and Industry investigation .
23 She felt Terry 's hand running over her body , kneading her breasts and shoulders , and was caught up in a feeling of presentiment .
24 In another incident , workers became caught up in a forest of 50 metre-deep piles supporting a fourstorey office block in Park Lane .
25 From the very first moment of her return to the vicarage Ruth was caught up in a whirlwind of work .
26 Young people were caught up in a whirlwind of activity with , to quote a social worker , ‘ the teachers and the physios and the medics arguing out who has this square inch of this kid 's time ’ .
27 Four main conclusions were drawn : first , war was a senseless act , which could never be a rational tool of state policy ; secondly , the 1914–18 war had been the result of leaders becoming caught up in a set of processes that no one could control ; thirdly , the causes of the war lay in misunderstandings between leaders and in the lack of democratic accountability within the states involved ; and fourthly , the underlying tensions which had provided the rationale for the conflict could be removed by the spread of statehood and democracy .
28 Once arrived , the guests found themselves , for most of the time at least , caught up in a ritual of entertainment which was so smoothly organized as to be unnoticeable and , given the Empress 's indefatigable energy , so tiring as to eliminate any possibility of boredom .
29 As the title suggests , this is the tragedy of Thomas Fox ; the narrative draws out the disintegration , physical and mental , of an innocent boy caught up in a world of inexplicable rules and inescapable brutality .
30 It 's a fearful world where even the goodies have a strangeness about them , as they too are caught up in a world of little people , strange animals and flying objects .
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