Example sentences of "end up in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Who 's been gossiping to you about her running away with the married man when she was fifteen and ending up in the Daily Record ?
2 If a pregnancy is pre-marital , it trebles the relative risk of a couple ending up in the local authority sector rather than the owner-occupied one ( Murphy , 1983 ) .
3 I said I feel sorry for Maggie , I says , cos she always ends up in the bloody middle , I says , and she whittles to death , I says , till the minute you get some money to feed them bairns , I says she 'll be awake nearly all night !
4 Macaulay gets on the wrong plane and ends up in the Big Apple where he books into the palatial Plaza Hotel , much to the suspicion of various flunkies including a camp Tim Curry .
5 Will the right hon. Gentleman further explain to my constituent why people who reach that age end up in the appalling position of having all their age allowances clawed back by the Government ?
6 Drill-holes never end up in the right place , screws do n't go in straight , and no matter how carefully they measure , nothing ever quite fits .
7 Out in the crisp , clear air , with a backdrop of mountains and a clear run ahead : wherever you choose in the world to ski — fashionable Switzerland , sexy , stylish Italy , star-struck Colorado — our run-down of high life destinations will make sure you end up in the right place .
8 It would act , for example , as a general mechanism to wipe out those that end up in the wrong place , say after a cut mixes cells between different layers of skin .
9 The way to overcome this is to sail slightly high of your intended course and you 'll end up in the right place .
10 Yes , you can see when the ball goes off , then you 'll end up in the far corner .
11 Meanwhile , it would be fairer and franker of the SNBTS to mention in its information leaflets and at its collection centres that a donor 's blood might end up in the private sector .
12 ‘ We could end up in the lunatic situation of the TDC having to pull it down to make way for a new development . ’
13 He was at Ibrox in 1971 when 66 fans died in a crush on the steps of the stadium ; in September 1980 , he had to watch the pathetically outmatched Welsh bantam-weight Johnny Owen die at the hands of Lupe Pintor , after writing beforehand ‘ this fight could end up in the intensive care unit ’ ; and he saw the heart-bursting tension of a World Cup qualifying match kill the man with whom he had an almost filial relationship , the Celtic and Scottish national football manager , Jock Stein .
14 It is so easy to guide the saw freehand that it will probably end up in the bottom drawer of many a tool box .
15 The other members of the consortium are worried about what 's going to happen , and if we do if we do leave it to later on Chairman , the , we have every danger that the consortium will not be a core activity of the new authorities , it will end up in the residual body , and be , and just be sold .
16 Of course , this actually never happens but surprisingly people do seem to end up in the correct position .
17 The better your plan , the more likely you are to end up in the right place .
18 ‘ If it were n't for me giving you a roof over your head after your mother had the gall to die on me , you would have ended up in the bloody workhouse !
19 The two-layered cameo of Augustus which has ended up in the British Museum bears tangible evidence of regard , even of awe , in the delicate circlet of gems , including a miniature cameo , affixed to it while in the hands of a medieval owner ( fig. 26 ) .
20 Without being particularly conscious of where they were going , he and Cora-Beth had ended up in the big barn containing bales of straw for the loose boxes .
21 Bath also had a resident gem-cutter , whose collection of 34 unmounted intaglios somehow ended up in the main drain carrying the overflow from the reservoir housing the hot spring .
22 It ducked under the armour plating of the fin , cut the conduit of the lower turret and ended up in the rear gunner 's position .
23 According to IDC , only 3% of workstation kit ended up in the financial sector — which invests more heavily in high-end and on-line transaction processing multi-user Unix systems .
24 They were not met by the UK , which also granted itself invalid derogations , and the country ended up in the European Court ( see below ) .
25 Most of them ended up in the Middle East with Layforce , and when that was broken up they attached themselves to Combined Operations in Alexandria .
26 The skin ended up in the Natural History Museum in Copenhagen and it was only when the corpse was examined that it was discovered that sulukongur was in fact a female !
27 Instead , he ended up in the unfamiliar position of ninth with only 2.05 metres to his name after failing to get his five-stride training run-up in the groove .
28 Her Metro spun across the carriageway , hit the crash barrier and ended up in the southbound lane , just avoiding a head on collision with on-coming traffic .
29 Anything going through MEMO ended up in the American Embassy .
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