Example sentences of "source of [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are several other sources of evidence for the fragmented nature of the outer Moon .
2 These groups had deep historical roots in the opening months of the First World War , which had seen the renewal of the sources of criticism of the radical right against the Liberal government .
3 By the second half of the 1960s the machinery of local democracy was being presented in official reports as one of the sources of problems for the effective operation of local government .
4 The sources of friction between the two re-work most of the Le Carré books .
5 Oil-drilling rights , aircraft control in Aegean air space and a continuing Greek veto on a package of EC economic aid to Turkey continued to be sources of friction between the two countries .
6 Partnerships should challenge the trend ; partnerships should not be about alternative sources of funding for the public education service but about ensuring proper levels of public funding with additional support from the private sector .
7 Beyond this universal benefit lie the discretionary sources of help from the informal and formal sectors of welfare .
8 Although the tone was generally optimistic , with much talk of prospects for greater regional co-operation , there were allusions in speeches to the enduring sources of conflict between the six states .
9 Nevertheless , many of the other sources of conflict between the two parties under William and Anne reached beyond the walls of Westminster , and in their different ways had a significant impact on society .
10 Corruption among the Party officials who ran the system of supply and distribution of goods became one of the major sources of conflict between the senior generals and the Party .
11 These women are at the heart of the economy — markets are the main centres for the wholesale and retail distribution of a huge variety of goods and the market workforce can exercise considerable political muscle , as their taxes are one of the main sources of income for the local government .
12 Sources of error in the digitizing process can be broken down into two main streams : source map error and operational error .
13 However , the farm is one of the main sources of supply to the Ngaoundere market and use of TIB 1 has enabled Giwa to become an affluent ‘ yeoman ’ farmer .
14 In some they played a role of significance as sources of recruits for the regular army in time of war — for example in France , where a system of militia service was established by Louvois in 1688 and revived in 1726 , in Spain , in Piedmont and in England after the passage of the Militia Act of 1757 .
15 PANA was founded in 1983 to provide alternative sources of information to the major western news agencies .
16 It will include an investigation of existing sources of information about the social science student population and their employment .
17 This activity continued into the later decades of the nineteenth century under successive directors : J. D. Hooker ( one of Darwin 's chief sources of information on the geographical distribution of plants ) and his son-in-law William Thiselton-Dyer ( 1843–1928 ) .
18 Political institutions , the judiciary , and the police , for example , are considered ‘ newsworthy ’ and become natural sources of information for the mass media .
19 The Old Testament is one of the great world sources of compassion for the poor and the hurt : the prophets thundered in their defence : ‘ Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears , that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people ’ Jeremiah , 9:1 ) .
20 Thus there are two sources of infection during the grazing season in temperate areas .
21 The placement task is to describe the requirements and the appropriate sources of individuals with the relevant skills ( Fig. 2.1 ) .
22 Key among them has been a failure in the UK to build appropriate or adequate bridges between business , the universities , and other sources of innovation like the national laboratories .
23 Indeed , one of the main sources of growth of the small SLF union following its foundation in 1981 was its willingness to take up the individual grievances of the workforce , very much in the tradition of the vertical union of the Franco era .
24 The recent Royal Commission on Incomes and Wealth analysed the sources of finance for the larger quoted industrial and financial companies in the U K and found that between 1950–72 internally generated funds accounted for an average 70 per cent of total finance over this period .
25 Whale meat made up for the lack of other sources of protein in the Japanese diet .
26 They were valued mainly as sources of timber for the Royal Navy but , in the absence of an effective forestry policy of conservation and production , the yields were small .
27 Veins of pitchblende in the cliff are the source of uranium in the flat floodplain deposits at the foot of the cliff .
28 A major source of charity for the unemployed were the ad hoc funds raised by public subscription , such as the Lord Mayor of London 's Mansion House funds , opened regularly in times of exceptional distress .
29 Despite the defeats sustained in Greece , which we know from Herodotus , the Achaemenids served as a major source of inspiration to the late Shah Muhammad Reza in the formulation of both policy and propaganda .
30 Music , for both of us , is a part of life we treasure , and Michael has found his records and tapes a constant source of happiness during the long hours of inactivity forced upon him .
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