Example sentences of "wish [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Surely Baldwin , whatever his desire earlier in the imbroglio , can not at this stage have wished to go back to the Cabinet on the following morning and announce that a wayward King , who had already compromised his position with most opinion both at home and in the Dominions , had suddenly changed his mind , at least temporarily , and , having attracted the maximum publicity to his preference for Mrs Simpson over the Throne , was now prepared to ditch her and try to pick up again the pieces of kingship .
2 Anyone wishing to know more about the society is invited to attend its annual meeting at Stockton Town Hall next Thursday at 7pm , when tickets will be on sale for a French wine-tasting .
3 At this stage the jargon is an obstacle in that anyone wishing to find out about the field has first to interpret the jargon .
4 Those wishing to vote now for the counter motion in the name of Mr to please stand .
5 For those wishing to enquire further into the field of quantitative techniques , an extremely useful book is ‘ Quantitative Techniques ’ — T. Lucey published in this series .
6 my Lordship may wish to go back to the dentist
7 My Lord the first er issue is as a matter of English law and the English law position , my Lord in making my main submissions to your Lordship I took you to the case , we looked at the statements of er the House of Lords and er Lord in particular with whom the other Law Lords agreed , my Lord do you wish to go back to the fact again ?
8 Most sellers will not wish to contract out of the right to sub-contract , since this gives them a very necessary flexibility in times of high demand , or if their own facilities can not produce the required goods for some reason .
9 Chairman , can we have your guidance on this , we have a report and we have a short video , by which I do mean a short video , do you wish to see the video , or do you wish to deal directly with the report ?
10 The truth was that Mr Wolski was sad with himself , for he did not wish to stay on at the Zoo any longer .
11 ‘ Now that we are private , ’ he said , looking her in the eyes , ‘ you may speak out openly what for some reason you did not wish to speak out before the prince .
12 The firm must identify the bank concerned ; ( 5 ) Before a firm undertakes margined transactions through an intermediate broker who is neither an authorised person nor an overseas person whose regulatory system requires segregation of client money ; ( 6 ) ( In most cases ) where the firm wishes to contract out of the client money regulations and is entitled to do so ; ( 7 ) If the firm wishes to hold client money of a private customer in a free money bank account outside the UK it must identify the country concerned and state whether the bank concerned has given the required acknowledgement as to client money status and that , if such acknowledgement had not been given , client money held with that bank might not be protected as effectively as in the UK .
13 It has provided excellent service in the past , and wishes to do so in the future .
14 Anyone who wishes to hone up on the likes of Cross Keys or Maesteg , not to mention aristocrats like Llanelli , will find a great deal to intrigue and amuse .
15 I now wish to go on to the order concerning access .
16 You had only to say you wished to go back to the car — ’
17 It will also provide a ‘ dip in service ’ for those who wish to catch up on the headlines , the business needs , the travel , the weather and other key information each hour .
18 If you wish to know more about the system contact Ron Samwayts in the Winfrith Security Office on extn 2038 .
19 If you wish to know more about the Students ' Association facilities , then please telephone 031 650 2656 .
20 The recent taunts were against the ‘ quack doctors ’ , ‘ faint hearts ’ and ‘ moaning minnies ’ who allegedly wished to give up on the fight for low inflation and a stable currency .
21 Through you , Mr. Speaker , I wish to apologise unreservedly to the families involved in Friday 's bombing , to those who represent them in this House , and to all those in our wider society who would have taken wholly justified offence .
22 I wish to run up to the window of the Mercedes and shout at the general sitting there : Wake up , you fat bastard , ca n't you see how you look parading in this cemetery , like some overstuffed SS officer in Birkenau ?
23 To take full advantage of the facilities offered by these systems , keyboard skills must be acquired by users who wish to interact efficiently with the machines .
24 They had a restaurant in Paris and suddenly wished to get out into the country .
25 An absurdly large raft of congressmen and senators was set to question the witnesses , sitting on a specially constructed double dais draped with burgundy cloth ; none wished to drop out of the committees and forfeit a screen appearance .
26 If you wish to learn more about the way in which your computer can communicate with the outside world then the RS232 tutor would be a good initial step .
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