Example sentences of "cut [adv prt] on the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 If you include a Boss and Big Boss in your front rank this will reduce the number of vulnerable Goblins fighting and cut down on the number of casualties you suffer .
2 Cut down on the use of heated appliances such as dryers and tongs if possible and ALWAYS use a protective product beforehand .
3 The reduction in the numbers visiting the gardens has allowed the grass to remain green and cut down on the amount of litter dropped and graffiti scribbled .
4 They are particularly concerned that the poor , elderly and sick will be forced to run up debts or cut down on the amount of electricity , coal , oil and gas they use .
5 Voters narrowly rejected this scheme , which would have devolved responsibility to the communal level of authority , and cut down on the amount of incineration .
6 But these larger firms are already cutting down on the size of their student intake and , if the trend continues , will end up — as Grant Thornton has already done — recruiting and training only staff who are expected to make a career with the firm after qualifying .
7 It is now compulsory for all firms with more than 25 employees to have a ‘ car journey reduction plan ’ , cutting down on the use of cars to get to work .
8 Insulation is about saving energy , cutting down on the waste of fossil fuels , and reducing the amount of carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere by burning them .
9 Instead , try cutting down on the number of exercises , increasing the weight and making sure that you perform 3 sets of at least 8 reps .
10 Some teaching unions have expressed worries that governors may want to reduce staff costs by cutting down on the number of teachers or allowances , or delaying filling a vacancy , or employing less well qualified staff .
11 There are only so many ways to describe a pitch and there is very little need to alter descriptions if the existing ones work perfectly well , thus cutting down on the number of major rewrites required .
12 By the way , your ma will be able to help out at your dairy for a month or two as I 'm cutting down on the number of cows at the manor .
13 When original objectives were set out in the early 1980s for improving services and reducing costs at the exchange through cutting down on the amount of paperwork , more detailed efforts were made to put the objectives into action .
14 Part of the problem is that , because we know we should be cutting down on the amount of sugar we eat , we 're turning more and more to diet drinks , which contain artificial sweeteners like saccharin .
15 This would cut down on the number of naps , foists and pickpockets who plagued these places like the locusts of Egypt .
16 Do cut down on the use of heated appliances if you can and always use a diffuser attachment on your hairdryer .
17 Senior ministers and officials are urgently considering cutting back on the number of nuclear warheads carried by Britain 's powerful submarines .
18 I hope all local areas will think about acquiring a stock of good movement photographs of local people which could be sent to the press in support of a feature — many local papers are cutting back on the expense of sending photographers out to events but are delighted to use suitable contributions .
19 Although the lines are available for both voice and data traffic , if there is a particularly large amount of data traffic the system will automatically cut back on the number of phone calls allowed on the WAN .
20 when we erm , er when we were doing those projects we erm , we had a comments book and more , more people were in favour of them and saw them as an improvement to the town and so it needs something that 's really interesting actually , it 's er , erm the work 's department have said , as a result of those graffiti projects they can shift two officer 's from the graffiti team to the highway 's team , so it 's actually cut down on the work of actually clearing up unwanted graffiti , so it 's had a positive effect , so we , we 've got these two people work with the other people and we 've got Dorothy who 's working with , with black people and ethnic minorities in the town and erm for people who were here when this presentation was last given , er Robin who used to be in the local The Policy Team of the Local Government Unit is now actually a Community Development Officer , one of the decision 's , Robin use to do video work for the Authority erm , and we decided we asset whether the the need for that kind of , k ind of work to continue , and we thought on balance not erm and he now is running the music rehearsal space over at Latton Bush , that again is a project for young people , to enable , it 's a place where band 's can practice and that 's the problem in Harlow erm and er that 's really exciting project because it 's bringing in a lot of income for the Council as as well as providing the service that people want and , and it , I mean it is important at this time that we are doing limited projects where we are bringing in income , cos at , you know we estimate that erm we can get that erm rehearsal space properly resource , that project could be self financing , so your providing a service but your also getting paid , your getting paid for as well , so erm that is who we are now and were er , where were located , we have an open door policy as people will know .
21 They 've cut back on the number of trainees ; they 've cut back on the number of occasionally used specialists ; they 're really down to the bedrock now .
22 They 've cut back on the number of trainees ; they 've cut back on the number of occasionally used specialists ; they 're really down to the bedrock now .
23 It 's all part of a plan to cut down on the quantity of rubbish being taken to already overflowing landfill sites .
24 So you 're doing exactly what we were telling you to do a few weeks ago , that you had to er take money out of reserves or you had to cut down on the level of services if you were to avoid putting that thirty four pounds on the council tax bills this year .
25 Thus , where a council was developing hostel accommodation to cut down on the use of bed-and-breakfast placements there was no provision within that hostel accommodation for disabled people .
26 A subsidised dog neutering scheme is being extended in South Tyneside to cut down on the number of stray dogs .
27 High levels of mercury have been reported from Faroese for some years , and the Health Department there has advised islanders to cut down on the amount of whalemeat they eat .
28 Are you prepared to give up smoking for instance , or to cut down on the amount of caffeine , alcohol , sugar and junk-food you may consume ?
29 The Home Secretary Michael Howard has announced measures to cut down on the amount of police paperwork and put more officers back onto the streets .
30 Where a household seeks to cut back on the use of water , it will be at the risk of hygiene , fewer baths , toilets left unflushed , and less washing of clothes and dishes .
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