Example sentences of "wait for the [num ord] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tomorrow was too far distanced for his mind to wait for the last piece of evidence — a mind so ceaselessly tossing , as it had been ever since Lewis — wonderful Lewis ! — had mentioned that seemingly irrelevant item in The Oxford Times .
2 In the all ticket days you could often wait for the first coach from Leeds to turn up and they would have 20+ tickets for us poor souls who could nt get one ! !
3 In the all ticket days you could often wait for the first coach from Leeds to turn up and they would have 20+ tickets for us poor souls who could nt get one ! !
4 At the same time , scientists are building computer models of ocean circulation but full three-dimensional models must wait for the next generation of powerful computers .
5 Assuming that she is asymptomatic , she either depends on the male who infected her to inform her of the diagnosis or , if he does not , wait for the next person with whom she has intercourse to develop symptoms , discover the diagnosis , and then contact her with the bad news .
6 Together they were the opposite of women who will nod and nod as they pretend to listen to another , waiting for the first pause of breath to muscle in with the growing pains and glories of their own house , the impatience showing on their faces as they wait .
7 It is now under lock and key near her husband 's tomb , waiting for the next opening of the royal vault for her last repose . ’
8 There they all are : working out the profit on their duty-free ; having more drinks at the bar than they want ; playing the fruit machines ; aimlessly circling the deck ; making up their minds how honest to be at customs ; waiting for the next order from the ship 's crew as if the crossing of the Red Sea depended on it .
9 I 've been agog all afternoon , waiting for the next episode in your mystery story . ’
10 She stood on the stairs by the open window , waiting for the next stroke of the bell , waiting in fact for this sign of Ernest 's madness .
11 Chota waits for the next ration of pears from Chris Jones
12 As is usual with this event , everyone waited for the last competitors to finished , even though some took well over two hours .
13 As the sky slowly brightened and they waited , Fleury thought of how he and Harry had waited for the first attack of all at the beginning of June .
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