Example sentences of "shall be [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Taxes Act 1988 , s64 provides that the general rule with regard to Case III of Schedule D is tax shall be computed on the full amount of the income arising within the year preceding the year of assessment and shall be paid on the actual amount of that income without any deduction .
2 ( 6 ) A notice of the application of this section to , or of the disapplication of this section from , any premises : ( a ) shall be in writing ; ( b ) shall , in the case of a club , be given by the secretary of the club on its behalf ; ( c ) shall , in the case of a notice of application , specify the date from which the section is to apply to the premises and , in the case of a notice of disapplication , state that the section is to cease to apply to the premises on the date specified in the notice ; ( d ) shall be served on the chief constable not later than 14 days before the date specified as aforesaid .
3 ( 6 ) A notice of the application of this section to , or of the disapplication of this section from , any premises : ( a ) shall be in writing ; ( b ) shall , in the case of a club , be given by the secretary of the club on its behalf ; ( c ) shall , in the case of a notice of application , specify the date from which the section is to apply to the premises and , in the case of a notice of disapplication , state that the section is to cease to apply to the premises on the date specified in the notice ; ( d ) shall be served on the chief constable not later than 14 days before the date specified as aforesaid .
4 ( 6 ) A notice of the application of this section to , or of the disapplication of this section from , any premises : ( a ) shall be in writing ; shall , in the case of a notice of application , specify the date from which the section is to apply to the premises and , in the case of a notice of disapplication , state that the section is to cease to apply to the premises on the date specified in the notice ; ( b ) shall be served on the chief constable not later than 14 days before the date specified as aforesaid .
5 ‘ The arrangements for the admission of pupils to the school shall be determined by the governing body , subject to sections 6 to 8 of the Act of 1980 , section 26 of the Act of 1988 and to paragraph 5.3 .
6 ( c ) Connected company A company is connected with the settlement if it falls within TA 1988 , s681(5). ( d ) " Capital sum " The expression " capital sum " has the same meaning as that given in s677 and any question whether a capital sum has been paid to the settlor by a body corporate or to a body corporate by the trustees shall be determined in the same way as any question under that section whether a capital sum has been paid to the settlor by the trustees ( s678(5) ) .
7 ( 3 ) Where the court makes an order for costs without indicating the basis of taxation or an order that costs be taxed on a basis other than the standard basis or the indemnity basis , the costs shall be taxed on the standard basis .
8 ‘ Where the court makes an order for costs without indicating the basis of taxation or an order that costs be taxed on a basis other than the standard basis or the indemnity basis , the costs shall be taxed on the standard basis .
9 He shall be assessed on the whole amount or value of that benefit except in so far as is shown that the benefit derives directly or indirectly from income on which he has already been charged to tax for that year or a previous year of assessment .
10 To this end , the monetary responsibility of the Deutsche Bundesbank as the sole issuing bank for this currency shall be extended to the entire currency area .
11 A provision for accelerated educational learning programmes shall be implemented for the entire LAUSD to provide aggressive teaching methods and provide a curriculum similar to non-economically deprived areas .
12 13.1 No Press or other publicity release relating to this Agreement or the project shall be made without the prior authority of the Project Manager as to the terms and date of such release .
13 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
14 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
15 The votes for each nominee in a section shall be calculated as a percentage of the total votes cast in that section and then shall be apportioned in the following manner , Section I Parliamentary Labour Party 30% Section 2 Constituency Labour Parties 30% Section 3 Affiliated organisations 40%
16 If the person is a juvenile or is mentally disordered or mentally handicapped the notice shall be given to the appropriate adult .
17 When Mr Honecker chaired a meeting of the exhibition committee last February , he adopted Thomas Muntzer 's central demand that ‘ all power shall be given to the common people ’ .
18 ( 6 ) The members of a licensing board for a district or licensing division of a district shall be elected at the first meeting of the district council held after the ordinary election of that council in 1977 and , in the case of subsequent elections , of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each Subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
19 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
20 The accounts for each subsidiary undertaking shall be prepared on the same basis as those for the company or such adjustments shall be made on consolidation to amend the accounts of each subsidiary undertaking to be equivalent to accounts prepared on such a basis .
21 A party 's obligations may also be defined by a term providing that obligations which would otherwise fall on the contractor shall be borne by the other party to the contract .
22 9.1.2 Any repaired or replaced goods shall be redelivered by the Seller free of charge to the original point of delivery but otherwise in accordance with and subject to these Conditions of Sale [ save that the period of [ twelve months ] referred to in Condition 9.1.1 shall be replaced by the unexpired portion of that period only ] .
23 Forasmuch as Mr. William Lambarde hath deserved universally well of his Commonwealth and country , and likewise of the fellowship and society of this house , and is likely hereafter to win greater credit to himself and the society of this house , it is therefore agreed , that he shall have room to sit amongst the Society of the Fellowship of the Bench , as other assistants do , without paying for the same : Provided always that this be no precedent to any other that shall be called to the like place hereafter , but they shall pay for the said room such sums of money as shall be assessed by the Bench . "
24 4.3.6 The Lead Organization shall be notified by the other Non-academic Parties of the proceeds less refurbishment costs received by such Party from the disposal of any prototypes the costs of which were included in the grants paid to such Party .
25 The General Committee shall then fix a date for a special meeting to decide which nomination , if any , shall be submitted to the National Executive Committee for endorsement as prospective parliamentary candidate .
26 Subscriptions : All subscriptions are due annually by the end of January of the current year and shall be classed under the following categories : — Individual Members , Overseas Members , Group Members ( subscriptions on a capitation basis ) and Affiliated Clubs and Societies .
27 a ) Subscriptions : All subscriptions are due annually by the end of January of the current year and shall be classed under the following categories : — Individual Members , Overseas Members , Group Members ( subscriptions on a capitation basis ) and Affiliated Clubs and Societies .
28 A person aggrieved by an odour , which amounts to a statutory nuisance , may himself initiate summary proceedings against the person creating the nuisance under s.99 of the 1936 Act , whereupon like proceedings shall be had with the like consequences as to making of orders , penalties for disobedience of orders , and otherwise as in a complaint brought by the local authority .
29 21.1 In the event that any or any part of the terms , conditions or provisions contained in this Agreement shall be determined invalid , unlawful or unenforceable to any extent such term , condition or provision shall be severed from the remaining terms , conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law .
30 All fixed assets shall be valued on the same basis as used in the last audited accounts and there shall be no upward revaluation of them or any of them above the value(s) used in the last audited accounts .
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