Example sentences of "shall [be] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( c ) Connected company A company is connected with the settlement if it falls within TA 1988 , s681(5). ( d ) " Capital sum " The expression " capital sum " has the same meaning as that given in s677 and any question whether a capital sum has been paid to the settlor by a body corporate or to a body corporate by the trustees shall be determined in the same way as any question under that section whether a capital sum has been paid to the settlor by the trustees ( s678(5) ) .
2 This weaker account seems to me promising in its general approach , and the theory I shall be supporting in the next chapter is distinctly similar .
3 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
4 Such further offer shall be made in the same manner and limited by a like period as the original offer .
5 The votes for each nominee in a section shall be calculated as a percentage of the total votes cast in that section and then shall be apportioned in the following manner , Section I Parliamentary Labour Party 30% Section 2 Constituency Labour Parties 30% Section 3 Affiliated organisations 40%
6 We work closely with the national pensioners convention , with whom we were founder members , and shall be joining in the greatest demonstration by senior citizens in London on the twenty ninth of this month .
7 It says that subject to certain conditions , these children shall be educated in an ordinary school , but erm the special conditions are the views of the parents — so once again , parents will be consulted about it .
8 ‘ Regulations shall be published in the Official Journal of the Community .
9 Most of the agencies that we shall be describing in the following sections would claim to offer information , advice and assistance but some are dubious as to the extent to which they should take action on behalf of a client and some will refer a matter on to specialists when they reach the limits of their competence .
10 The following new Article 143 shall be inserted in the Basic Law : " Article 143. ( 1 ) Law in the territory specified in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty may deviate from provisions of this Basic Law for a period not extending beyond Dec. 31 , 1992 …
11 Any claim for an amount exceeding £50 000 shall be commenced in the High Court .
12 ( 4 ) An action of which the value is £50,000 or more shall be tried in the High Court unless : ( a ) it is commenced in a county court and the county court does not consider that the action ought to be transferred to the High Court for trial ; or ( b ) the High Court considers that it ought to transfer the case to a county court for trial ( art 7(4) ) .
13 As we shall be explaining in the following chapters , we do not believe that the steps taken in the Criminal Justice Act of 1991 will prove drastic enough .
14 And believe it , dear sister , by this rule you shall be judged in the Last Day . ’
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