Example sentences of "shall [be] [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Note however that proceedings in the High Court brought under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 which , by virtue of s 141 of that Act , must be heard in the county court shall be transferred to the county court rather than being struck out altogether ( s 141(2) ) .
2 ( 1 ) The financial system of the FRG shall be extended to the territory specified in Article 3 unless otherwise provided in this treaty .
3 For instance , some building leases encountered in practice provide that " any … dispute … in any way relating to the execution of the project shall be referred to the decision of an independent surveyor ( acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator ) …
4 ( H ) All differences arising out of this Agreement shall be referred to the arbitration of some person to be appointed by both parties , or , if they can not agree , to the arbitration of a person to be appointed jointly by the Chairman of the Accident Offices Association and the Chairman of Lloyds Motor Underwriters Association .
5 12.2 In the event of any Party giving notice of dissatisfaction with the Project Manager 's decision the matter shall be referred to the Project Committee of all the Parties who shall endeavour to settle the dispute amicably .
6 That the Bill shall be presented to the House not later than the seventh day after this day ;
7 7.5.2 When the circumstances contemplated in clause 7.5.1 arise the rents or a fair proportion of the rents according to the nature and the extent of the damage sustained shall cease to be payable until the date which falls 3 months after the date when the Premises with essential accesses and services are again rendered fit for occupation and use and a due proportion of the rents paid in advance shall be refunded to the Tenant any dispute as to such proportion or the period during which the rents shall cease to be payable to be determined in accordance with the Arbitration Acts 1950 to 1979 by an arbitrator to be appointed by agreement between the parties or in default by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors upon the application of either party
8 The excuse shall be made to the Chairman of the meeting , and by him explained to Members who shall decide whether or not guilty by voting aye or no .
9 Proceedings under the Settled Land Act 1925 , the Trustee Act 1925 or for the administration of the estate of a deceased person may be commenced in the court which the plaintiff regards as most convenient having regard to the residences or places of business of the parties or to the subject matter of the proceedings ( Ord 4 , r 4 ) , but payment into court under s 63 of the Trustee Act 1925 shall be made to the court in whose district the person ( or any of them ) making the payment resides ( Ord 49 , r 20(2) ) .
10 An application by a registered foreign lawyer that his/her name by changed upon the register , whether by reason of marriage , the acquisition of a title or otherwise , shall be made to the Law Society on form FLR A.
11 An application by a registered foreign lawyer that his/her name be removed from the register shall be made to the Law Society on form FLR B.
12 All applications , unless the judge otherwise directs or unless it be an " excepted application " , shall be made to the district judge .
13 If to the knowledge of the Corporation the property is the subject of a Hire Purchase Agreement such payment shall be made to the Owner described therein whose receipt shall be a full and final discharge to the Corporation in respect of such loss or damage .
14 If to the knowledge of the Corporation such motor car is the subject of a Hire Purchase Agreement such payment shall be made to the Owner described therein whose receipt shall be full and final discharge to the Corporation in respect of such loss or damage .
15 Written notice shall be given to the Insurer without unnecessary delay of any loss , damage or injury or sickness .
16 Twenty-one days ' notice of any proposed alterations , amendments or additions shall be given to the Secretary in writing .
17 notice in writing of the defects complained of shall be given to the Seller upon their appearance , and
18 No approval by the production Code Administration shall be given to the use of words and phrases in motion pictures including , but not limited to , the following : Alley cat ( applied to a woman ) ; bat ( applied to a woman ) ; broad ( applied to a woman ) ; bronx cheer ( the sound ) ; chip-pie ; cocotte ; God , Lord , Jesus , Christ ( unless used reverently ) ; cripes ; fanny ; fairy ( in a vulgar sense ) ; ‘ hold your hat ’ ; louse ; lousy ; Mada ( relating to prostitution ) ; nance , nerts ; nuts ( except when meaning crazy ) ; pansy ; razzberry ( the sound ) ; slut ( applied to a woman ) ; S O B ; son-of-a ; tart ; toilet gags ; tom cat ( applied to a man ) ; travelling salesmen and farmer 's daughter jokes ; whore ; damn ; hell ( excepting when the use of said last two words shall be essential and required for portrayal , in proper historical context , of any scene or dialogue based upon historical fact or folklore , or for the presentation in proper literary context of a Biblical , or other religious quotation , or a quotation from a literary work provided that no such use shall be permitted which is intrinsically objectionable or offends good taste ) .
19 Because such religions are of more interest to the media than are more ‘ ordinary ’ religions , it is quite likely that whenever the tragedy occurs we shall be treated to the headline Cult Member Commits Suicide .
20 Subject to Condition 14 , and notwithstanding anything contained in these Conditions ( other than Condition 14 ) or the Order , the Seller 's liability to the Purchaser in respect of the Order , in contract , tort ( including negligence or breach of statutory duty ) or howsoever otherwise arising , shall be limited to the price of the goods specified in the Order or [ £ ] whichever is the greater .
21 The total exposure of the vendors under the warranties and indemnities shall be limited to the consideration paid and ( if higher ) the consideration that would have been paid if a dividend and any other non trading transaction ( e.g. pension fund contributions , compensations for loss of office , etc. ) had not been paid between [ date ] and completion but will not exceed £ [ ] million .
22 B. ‘ That , subject to the passing of Resolution A , before this meeting , the Directors be and they are hereby empowered pursuant to Section 24 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 to allot equity securities ( as defined by section 23 of the Companies ( Amendment ) Act 1983 ) for cash pursuant to the authority conferred by such resolution as if sub-section ( 1 ) of the said Section 23 did not apply to any such allotment provided that this power shall be limited to the allotment of equity securities in connection with a rights issue in favour of shareholders and to the allotment ( otherwise than pursuant to a rights issue as aforesaid ) of equity securities up to an aggregate nominal value of IR£1,772,100 .
23 Sections 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 and 7 regulate clauses which purport to exclude or restrict liability — for instance The Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by breach of any express or implied term of this contract or The Seller 's liability for any breach of contract shall be limited to the contract price .
24 the number of shares which may be subscribed for under any overseas scheme shall be limited to the extent necessary to ensure that shares so subscribed , when aggregated with shares subscribed for under the Scheme , the Overseas Scheme and any other overseas scheme similar to the Scheme , will not exceed the limits on the numbers of shares which may be issued under the Scheme .
25 This child is destined to be a sign which men reject ; and you too shall be pierced to the heart .
26 Either the Parliament ( the Folketing ) must pass the appropriate legislation with a five-sixths majority ( in the current Parliament requiring 150 members out of a total of 179 ) , or , in the words of Article 20.2 of the Constitution , ‘ If this majority is not obtained … the Bill shall be submitted to the Electorate for approval or rejection ’ .
27 Example 4:1 Clause preventing landlord from charging VAT in the event that the landlord elects to waive any exemption from value added tax in relation to the demised property or the building of which it forms part , no value added tax shall be added to the rent reserved by this lease Example 4:2 Clause preventing landlord from waiving exemption from VAT ( 1 ) not to elect to waive any exemption from VAT in relation to the demised property or the building of which it forms part ( 2 ) on any assignment of the whole or part of the reversion expectant on this lease , or the grant of any concurrent lease of the whole or part of the property , to procure that the assignee or lessee gives a covenant in the terms of this clause
28 ( 3 ) In determining the standard of repair required by the lessor 's repairing covenant , regard shall be had to the age , character and prospective life of the dwelling-house and the locality in which it is situated …
29 ( 3 ) In determining the value , under paragraph ( 1 ) , of an action which is brought by more than one plaintiff or applicant regard shall be had to the aggregate of the expectations or interests of all the plaintiffs or applicants .
30 Moderator the erm overture which we passed into an act er in the last sentence of section three says the names of such children , that 's those children who have been admitted to erm communion as children , shall be admitted to the communion roll of the congregation when they have made public profession of their faith that is , when they reach the point at which they make that normal statement and the my understanding would be people whose names are on the communion roll .
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