Example sentences of "shall [be] make [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is analogous to the 1970 decision of the House of Lords in Bushell v Faith [ 1970 ] 1 All ER 52 , in which a provision about voting rights , which had the effect of making a special resolution incapable of being passed if a particular shareholder or group of shareholders exercised his or their voting rights against a proposed alteration of articles , was held to be enforceable ; an article in terms that no alteration shall be made without the consent of a particular member would be invalid , as it would come into direct conflict with statute law .
2 The criteria under Art 7(5) to which the court is to have regard in deciding whether to transfer are : " ( a ) the financial substance of the action including the value of any counterclaim , ( b ) whether the action is otherwise important and , in particular whether it raises questions of importance to persons who are not parties or questions of general public interest , ( c ) the complexity of the facts , legal issues , remedies or procedures involved , and ( d ) whether transfer is likely to result in a more speedy trial of the action but no transfer shall be made on the grounds of subparagraph ( d ) alone . "
3 The excuse shall be made to the Chairman of the meeting , and by him explained to Members who shall decide whether or not guilty by voting aye or no .
4 Proceedings under the Settled Land Act 1925 , the Trustee Act 1925 or for the administration of the estate of a deceased person may be commenced in the court which the plaintiff regards as most convenient having regard to the residences or places of business of the parties or to the subject matter of the proceedings ( Ord 4 , r 4 ) , but payment into court under s 63 of the Trustee Act 1925 shall be made to the court in whose district the person ( or any of them ) making the payment resides ( Ord 49 , r 20(2) ) .
5 An application by a registered foreign lawyer that his/her name by changed upon the register , whether by reason of marriage , the acquisition of a title or otherwise , shall be made to the Law Society on form FLR A.
6 An application by a registered foreign lawyer that his/her name be removed from the register shall be made to the Law Society on form FLR B.
7 All applications , unless the judge otherwise directs or unless it be an " excepted application " , shall be made to the district judge .
8 If to the knowledge of the Corporation the property is the subject of a Hire Purchase Agreement such payment shall be made to the Owner described therein whose receipt shall be a full and final discharge to the Corporation in respect of such loss or damage .
9 If to the knowledge of the Corporation such motor car is the subject of a Hire Purchase Agreement such payment shall be made to the Owner described therein whose receipt shall be full and final discharge to the Corporation in respect of such loss or damage .
10 ( 4 ) On renewing a licence under this Part of this Act a licensing board may by order , to be served on the holder , direct that , within a time fixed by the order , such structural alterations shall be made in the premises comprising the canteen as the board thinks reasonably necessary to secure the proper conduct of the canteen ; and if , when application for renewal of the licence is next made after the time fixed by the order has expired , it is not shown to the satisfaction of the licensing board that the order has been complied with , the licensing board may refuse to renew the licence .
11 ( 2 ) No Motion shall be made in the Standing Committee relating to the sitting of the Committee except by a member of the Government , and the Chairman shall permit a brief explanatory statement from the Member who moves , and from a Member who opposes , the Motion , and shall then put the Question thereon .
12 No professor may hold any other appointment , except the office of Proctor or of Assessor , whether in the University or not , without leave of the board of the appropriate faculty and of the General Board ; and the General Board shall determine what reduction , if any , shall be made in the professor 's stipend .
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