Example sentences of "range of [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , our surveys showed schools undertaking a wide range of activities in pursuit of home-school rapport and cooperation , particularly where younger children were concerned , and many schools went well beyond the obvious activities like information exchange , open days and social events to pursue more adventurous and long-term programmes .
2 Nonesuch is , in publishing terms , a ‘ life style ’ magazine , a publication which brings together a wide range of articles of interest to a group of readers united by a common bond .
3 The Adjudication Committee can take a broad range of actions in relation to complaints : it can :
4 While state-owned and foreign businesses have held the centre of the stage for three decades , tens of thousands of informal sector artisans have been producing a range of goods for use in households , agriculture , transport and construction .
5 The Library Shop sells a wide range of goods including Book of Kells reproductions , books of Irish interest , cards , prints , posters , craft items and jewellery .
6 Kamikamica announced a 20 per cent cut in income tax and the reduction of duties on a wide range of goods in recognition of the satisfactory performance of the economy .
7 Expenditure on national insurance benefits , benefits for which claimants become entitled because of their contribution record , covering a range of help from unemployment to old-age pensions , has risen by 400 per cent over the past thirty-five years up to 1984. -5 .
8 ICL Plc has re-appointed Cray Communications Ltd as an accredited supplier : Cray first started supplying ICL with modems and KMX low-end multiplexers in 1988 , and now supplies ICL 's Network Product Division with a range of products for use by the ICL sales force .
9 A number of large and efficiently run workshops made a wide range of products for use in the centre and for sale in nearby towns .
10 The first is that while most of the fast movements are much as one might have surmised ( although the vite sections of the last movement of the Te Deum are notably faster than often performed ) , some of the slow movements are considerably slower than one usually hears them , suggesting a rather wider range of tempos in use in the early 18th century in France than that to which we are accustomed today .
11 So Mr Li made it clear that the state will go on bailing out the inefficient state-owned juggernauts , as well as subsidising a range of things from rice to city rents .
12 Visitors are also transported back to 1905 and the ‘ International Tramway and Light Railway ’ trade show which was held in that year to show the range of equipment on offer to operators and would-be operators at a time when the electric tramcar was looked upon as the wonder of the age .
13 Fishing was excellent over rough ground for a wide range of species including pollack to 10 lbs , coalfish to 8 lbs , ling to 12 lbs , conger to 19 lbs , cod to 10 lbs , dabs , turbot , brill , plaice , red and grey gurnard , pouting , poor cod , dogfish , ballan and cuckoo wrasse and thornback ray .
14 A graduate scientist is required in the Measurement and Instrumentation Section to work on a range of projects concerning analysis of beer and its raw materials .
15 The possibilities for disputes of the latter kind of course have increased since this study was done in the 1960s because of rising rates of divorce and remarriage , and we need up-to-date data on how people handle the range of claims of inheritance in families where there is a complex series of step-relationships .
16 The inding which stimulated this study was generated in the context of multiple significance testing across a wide range of diseases in relation to cimetidine .
17 To look at the matter differently , one could say that the members of the economically defined working class in Britain are divided between the ‘ working class ’ and ‘ middle class ’ collectivities , with this division depending on a range of factors including place within the division of labour by strata , parentage , education , home-ownership , and income .
18 It offers a range of services in addition to stockbroking , including personal financial planning and valuations for probate or tax purposes .
19 Another way of attracting more customers — apart from providing a better day-to-day service — would be to offer a higher , or different range of benefits on top of the national insurance benefits .
20 Venues for the 1991 events cover a whole range of waters from canal to rivers to lakes and results year after year confirm the Irish fish hhave no respect for big reputations .
21 Indeed the ability to produce a range of returns on value for money indices has been a major factor in securing continued treasury funding .
22 Other members of the medical profession became interested in the winter climate , and the island began to be recommended for the treatment of and convalescence from a whole range of ailments from anaemia to gout .
23 It also provides a counselling service and a range of literature with advice on emotional as well as practical problems .
24 Ceramic tiles offer an excellent range of properties for use on wall and floor surfaces .
25 This is expressed in Article 12 of the Convention which is an adaptation to meet the new range of modes of service of corresponding provisions in the 1954 Convention .
26 A number of National Certificate Modules and Higher National Units are available to enable an understanding of a broad range of issues in relation to Europe and the Single European Market .
27 These include the introduction and partnering scheme ‘ matchmaker ’ , which operates within Scotland and outside ; information provision over a range of issues from development to funding ; training and accreditation ; and collaboration with manufacturers and standards bodies .
28 Although ideally basic competence in moving about independently should be developing by the time the pupil first comes to school , there is likely to be among visually handicapped children a range of levels of skill in independent mobility and in competence in using the environment fully and safely .
29 Theories cast in terms of external structures and systematic forces are at the ‘ holist ’ end of a range of causal theories , just as theories which take actors as the final authority are at the ‘ individualist ’ end of a range of theories in search of understanding .
30 The new policies , aimed at increasing the flow of local and foreign capital , included ( i ) the decision to establish an Investment Centre to streamline investment approvals ; ( ii ) the decision to join the World Bank 's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ; ( iii ) the negotiation of bilateral investment protection agreements with foreign governments ; and ( iv ) the introduction of a range of measures on remittance of after-tax profits , redefinition of foreign-controlled companies and the associated relaxation of domestic borrowing ceilings for foreign firms .
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