Example sentences of "grow [adv prt] in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This will differ according to the richness of the environment provided by the home and the wider community , but all children live and grow up in a print-rich world full of writing and people who write .
2 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
3 She believes that it is essential that her children grow up in the outside world and not be hidden away in the artificial environment of a royal palace .
4 Ministry seems to have grown up in a haphazard manner , basically in response to the need that various functions be performed .
5 Fei was not a native of the community that he studied ( the village of Kaihsienkung , in the Yangtze Delta , about 1 25 miles south-west of Shanghai ) , but he had grown up in the same district so that he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect .
6 They had grown up in the same house since they were babies and were virtually inseparable .
7 Thinking back to those days , I realize how different I should be today had I grown up in the suburban house in London , suggested to my mother .
8 These examples may seem to be somewhat removed from the experience of a child who has grown up in an inner-city slum .
9 He remembers his lonely school days , in assured manner that his son will not grow up in the same way .
10 Within my own practice , I have never met a white child who says he or she is not white ; neither have I met a black child growing up in a black family saying that he or she is not black .
11 Against a panoramic backdrop , we see orphaned P.K. growing up in a hostile environment .
12 It 's a struggle with young people , alongside them as they experience the pleasures and pains , the excitements and disappointments of growing up in a hostile world .
13 For so many British children , growing up in an inner city area could mean missing out on so many things they need to grow up healthy and secure .
14 Middle child Seth called himself ‘ an addictive personality growing up in an alcoholic household ’ , honing his skills of deceit and manipulation .
15 Dr Bob Holman , a National Children 's Home neighbourhood worker on the Easterhouse Estate in Glasgow , told a conference in London on growing up in the inner city organised by the Thomas Coram Foundation and chaired by Lord Scarman , that most of the 44,000 people there lived in poverty .
16 There are easy comparisons : both have kids growing up in the same neighbourhood .
17 Dr. Briant must abandon his project and restore to this unhappy baby his birthright , the chance to grow up in a real home , with real parents who will love him as he deserves to be loved .
18 You do n't want them to grow up in a sterile environment .
19 The cells multiply and the bud grows out in a paddle-like form .
20 If you grew up in a certain kind of society , you adopt its values . ’
21 Her mother was William Godwin 's second wife , and Clairmont grew up in a free-thinking household with her brother , illegitimate like herself , with Mary Wollstonecraft 's daughter by Godwin — another Mary of Clairmont 's age — and with Fanny , Wollstonecraft 's older illegitimate daughter .
22 We grew up in a heterosexual culture which banishes positive images of homosexuality .
23 The press in English-speaking West Africa grew up in a nationalist tradition : newspapers were the mouthpieces of emerging , campaigning , nationalist politicians .
24 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
25 I grew up in a small mining village on the outskirts of Rotherham during the fifties and sixties .
26 Amaldi grew up in a small town in Lombardy , and took his doctorate in physics from Rome at the remarkably early age of 21 .
27 He grew up in a depressed community and would never forget what he saw there : ‘ I used to watch the wheel of the pit spin round year after year , after school and Saturdays and Sundays ; and then from 1926 on I watched it not turning at all , and I ca n't ever get that wheel out of my mind . ’
28 I grew up in a big way over there . ’
29 He grew up in a Free Church home in Huddersfield with grace before meals and friends in for hymn singing on Sunday evenings after the service in the Baptist church ; he was a Fabian of long standing ; a cofounder of War on Want ; and his wife was a daughter of a Congregational minister .
30 She grew up in the African bush , and came to love the many wild animals as well as the domestic animals on her father 's farm .
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