Example sentences of "grow up [prep] a [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not bad for a girl who had grown up on a council estate .
2 We had grown up with a monopoly situation and there was no semblance of looking outside .
3 It has even been speculated that a community which has grown up around a manufacturing plant may have a claim for compensation against the owners , if the latter decide to close the plant , in order to compensate for the diminution of land values and the destruction of the local economy .
4 He had grown up in a quasi-syndicalist tradition in the Liverpool docks , and his influence in the sixties had been thrown behind the growth of the shop-stewards movement and local plant bargaining on a devolved basis very much on the lines of the 1968 Donovan Report .
5 Would she grow up into a street urchin , plimsolls , no socks , grimy tee shirt , with a London accent grating on a nicely-brought-up ear ?
6 His gouverneur or chief guardian was General Frossard , but it was the wish of the Emperor and Empress that apart from obligatory public appearances , which were confined to a minimum , the child should grow up in a family atmosphere .
7 GROWING up on a tobacco farm was enough to convince Cheryl Boston that she was not cut out for the agricultural life .
8 He wrote love-letters for his less literate friends , as did William Lovett growing up in a fishing village at the other end of England .
9 The real matter is in fact that the vast majority of children in this country are growing up in a secularist culture which rules out religion altogether , and that those within faith communities are living in a world in which their faiths will be more and more subjected to secularist interrogation .
10 ‘ It is important to grow up in a family environment .
11 Carnforth grew up as a railway town from 1857 .
12 Cowsfield Gate , in Whiteparish Wiltshire is now a handful of cottages which grew up around a toll house after 1767 when the Salisbury to Romsey road was turnpiked and re-aligned .
13 Matthew grew up in a family atmosphere of sweetness and light .
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