Example sentences of "grow up [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As children , we grow up with the lovely stories in which animals really are people : The Wind in the Willows , Just so Stories , Watership Down .
2 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
3 In the wild they spawn in fast-flowing streams , and the fry grow up in the slower reaches of the river .
4 She believes that it is essential that her children grow up in the outside world and not be hidden away in the artificial environment of a royal palace .
5 Even the concrete floor had cracked with age and clusters of weeds had grown up through the uneven apertures .
6 There 's almost something too grown up about the Inspiral Carpets : like The Stranglers , they 're too professional , too accomplished , too ‘ manly ’ .
7 You had to be the , the perfect woman who was one , who had grown up from the little girl of the eighteen-thirties who was all bouncy and skippy and optimistic ; now she had to be very quiet , she was admired for her innocence , for her delicate nature and her dainty physique .
8 Uncertainty extends also to the question of Molla Yegan 's death date , about which a wide divergence of opinion has grown up amongst the various sources , who give dates ranging from 840/1436–7 to 878/1473–4 .
9 In this century , a substantial body of functionally differentiated statute law has grown up around the landlord–tenant relationship , such that today the nineteenth-century rules have limited — though still very important — practical application .
10 These myths mostly trace to his own misleading reminiscences later in life , and have been relentlessly reaffirmed since , at the 1959 centennial symposia for example and in the 1978 BBC-TV series on Darwin ; but they are nonetheless discredited by the scholarly industry now grown up around the rich manuscript archive from Darwin 's early years ( Kohn , 1986 ) .
11 The capital that has grown up around the old village of Muscat is a place of broad roads , shops , trees and flowers , imposing offices and graceful buildings in great variety .
12 This new town , a product of modern civilization , had grown up near the ancient Egdon Woods , where the paths over the hills had not changed for a thousand years .
13 Fei was not a native of the community that he studied ( the village of Kaihsienkung , in the Yangtze Delta , about 1 25 miles south-west of Shanghai ) , but he had grown up in the same district so that he was familiar with the nuances of the local dialect .
14 They had grown up in the same house since they were babies and were virtually inseparable .
15 Thinking back to those days , I realize how different I should be today had I grown up in the suburban house in London , suggested to my mother .
16 He remembers his lonely school days , in assured manner that his son will not grow up in the same way .
17 Born Alfredo James Pacino he is still haunted by memories of growing up on the mean streets of New York 's South Bronx where his street gang pals called him The Actor .
18 Through the wide-open window floated the lightest of breezes , tangy with the scent of wild herbs growing up on the rugged hills behind the town .
19 Well those that are right next to the the ones growing up between the two bedrooms .
20 It accounts for the determination of the Jerusalem leaders that there must be no independent Samaritan church growing up without the age-old split from Judaism being healed ( Acts 8 ) .
21 A large proportion of the younger generation , growing up during the Nazi era and highly impressionable , had been fully exposed to the suggestive force of propaganda and had succumbed more uncritically than any other section of the population to the emotional appeal of the ‘ Führer myth ’ .
22 And because pollarding has not been carried out , tall , heavy shoots are growing up from the ancient trunks , which are usually rotten and hollow inside , and these too often either split or simply collapse " .
23 Growing up among the tough men of Cornwall , Harry had come to believe that popularity was all ; that it could be bought with success , and that success could be got by a closed fist and a big voice .
24 Dr Bob Holman , a National Children 's Home neighbourhood worker on the Easterhouse Estate in Glasgow , told a conference in London on growing up in the inner city organised by the Thomas Coram Foundation and chaired by Lord Scarman , that most of the 44,000 people there lived in poverty .
25 As a youngster , growing up in the declining Lanarkshire coalfields , he trained at a local Junior ground wearing his father 's pit boots , trying to add strength and shape to his diminutive body .
26 Since her infancy Mann , a professional photographer , has documented her three children growing up in the idyllic woodlands of their dream home in south western Virginia .
27 There are easy comparisons : both have kids growing up in the same neighbourhood .
28 In the 19th century , biologists , growing up in the halcyon days of the Industrial Revolution , saw all life as a struggle to survive .
29 The central point is that the range of different patois spoken reflects both the complexity of the linguistic situation in the Caribbean and also the modifications to these being made by children growing up within the overseas speech communities in London .
30 The young hero , John Kemp , grows up with the ardent expectation of rose-coloured , agreeable adventure :
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