Example sentences of "arm and [verb] [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lifting her bodily from it , he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the cottage .
2 ‘ I gathered it up , ’ he was to say , ‘ I actually scooped up the evil hungering thing in my arms and carried it into the house and laid it down by the fire . ’
3 Luke scooped the fish up from Carey 's arms and threw it into the shallows .
4 He was about to take her arm and help her into the culvert but she neither needed nor wanted his help .
5 When Jean-Claude emerged from the hide-out , he held out his arm and dragged me into the dark cave .
6 ‘ I 've got plenty of cash — and charge cards , too , if it comes to that , ’ he added , firmly grasping her arm and marching her into the large department store .
7 He saw her state at once and without another word took her arm and led her into the little sitting room .
8 As he took his hostess 's arm and led her into the dining-room , he did not glance again at Madeleine .
9 After the caretaker had unlocked the big front door and disappeared down the drive , Harry took Madeleine 's arm and led her into the drawing-room .
10 Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom .
11 The farmer was silent as I soaped my arm and inserted it into the cow .
12 At his first rehearsal of Peter Pan , almost before Bunny had finished introducing him to the rest of the cast , Dotty had taken him proprietorially by the arm and strolled him into the wings .
13 She saw that the Dane was on the point of following him , so she hurriedly caught his arm and guided him into the laundry house .
14 What else could she do , Merrill asked herself , but stand up , pleasantly acquiescent because of Richard 's presence , and let Luke take her arm and lead her into a room which had been cleared for dancing ?
15 Rachel touches my arm and leads me into a corner , where we drink our coffees quietly , like strangers at a wake .
16 The day after that , Tobie was commanded to the Palace and returning , seized Loppe by the arm and marched him into the workroom John le Grant had devised for himself , where he scowled at them both .
17 ‘ Great to see you ! ’ he exclaimed , taking her arm and propelling her into the room .
18 And so he took her arm and pulled her into the street again and , still holding her arm , he said , ‘ And what do you think I feel like when I do n't see you and knowing you 're away dancing with that John Bennett or that Sweetman fellow ? ’
19 Barbara tried to follow , but Duvall slammed the door against her and she cried out in pain as he pulled it open again , grabbed her arm and threw her into the office .
20 He closed his hand on her arm and drew her into the gloom of the passage .
21 Jenna stood in the doorway and glared up at him and he simply took her arm and drew her into the room , closing the door firmly .
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