Example sentences of "long as [pron] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was a pursuit which we could only continue , of course , so long as we managed to sell our films to commercial television simply on the strength of their entertainment value .
2 That Madam , Gary used to say , she 's been forty for as long as we 've known her .
3 Nor is it good news for the majority of people who already own-especially those who became first-time buyers over the past four years and whose complete capital has been wiped out : more than a million such people are probably technically bankrupt but need not admit it so long as they keep paying their mortgage .
4 To use an analogy from short sight : people who wear glasses are relieved of the effects of their short sight for as long as they continue to wear them and for as long as they remember that there are still some things ( such as seeing clearly underwater ) that they can not do even if they are wearing glasses .
5 Maybe just having the space to say all the things they want to say , including the difficult and confusing things , as often and for as long as they want to say them , is what they seek help and support with .
6 Eve had been there for as long as she remembered to help her fight her battles .
7 Why not go along with Luke 's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink ?
8 A spokesman said the seven Kurds released from Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , and all 18 from Gloucester Prison were given temporary admission ‘ for as long as it takes to assess their cases ’ .
10 ‘ If I do , which I doubt where Jenny 's concerned , then I unhesitatingly offer you my hospitality for as long as you care to accept it .
11 She is yours for as long as you care to keep her .
12 So long as I 've got somebody now there 's nobody along here .
13 Your father has extended to me the hospitality of his house for as long as I care to take it , or until he grows sick of the sight of me .
14 Anyone who gives him a flak jacket ( that is , consent ) may take it back , but the doctor only needs one and so long as he continues to have one he has the legal right to proceed .
15 For him , this meant giving master classes in duplicity in order to keep both Axis and Allies in play for as long as he needed to achieve his economic , military and , above all , territorial objectives .
16 Under the STV a candidate must compete not only with political opponents but also with candidates of his own party , and compete in a popularity contest which , commencing with his first election campaign , will have to last without remission for as long as he wishes to hold his seat .
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