Example sentences of "reach [adv prt] and [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been easy for anyone to reach in and yank a club out of the bag . ’
2 The window was barred although it was possible to reach through and open the casement He preferred to sit there because in better weather he could see out into the Inner Ward and the White Tower .
3 Is there a glass panel you could break to reach through and release the cylinder rimlock ?
4 There was a need to reach out and put a hand on a person 's shoulder , take her/his arm , hold a hand , thus increasing the repertoire of non-verbal communication with older people .
5 The foyer is packed with pilgrims ready to reach out and touch the hem of any passing garment .
6 He pulls the top part of the metal cover further up , and the lower half sinks at the same time ; he reaches in and gathers an armful of logs , bringing them over to the hearth .
7 She reaches over and brushes the hair off of my eyes .
8 He reaches up and takes the oregano off the spice rack .
9 He reaches out and puts a hand comfortingly on Robyn 's pair .
10 The long arm of Mani Pulite has now reached out and grasped the head of Siemens AG 's Italian subsidiary , arresting Giorgio Scanavacca , president of Siemens Telecomunicazioni and managing director of Siemens SpA , on suspicion of corruption : the arrest was reportedly linked to alleged kickbacks to political parties paid to secure contracts with the state telephone company , ASST .
11 Despite Kipling 's dictum that " Never the twain shall meet " , the East had reached out and touched the West with a premonition , perhaps , of the planetary holism which was to grip our minds less than a century later when we walked on the moon , looked back , and for the first time saw the whole earth rising as a single bubble of life .
12 Rincewind thought he could see a faint streak in the air , as if something from the mountain had reached out and touched the beast .
13 And suddenly , for no reason , a pain went through her , as though he had reached out and driven a stake through her heart .
14 Woolley reached down and shot the spur off Hawthorn 's left boot .
15 Seb reached down and put a hand over her mouth .
16 He reached down and grabbed the boy 's wrist .
17 ‘ What , like this ? ’ you 're supposed to have said , reaching down and rapping a leg with your knuckles .
18 She reached over and balanced the candle , which was dripping wax down one side .
19 Most everybody in the house had gone to work , or whatever it was they did during daylight , and as I was only two feet away I reached over and slipped the lock , taking the phone receiver with me .
20 The Mason reached over and snatched the purse , emptying about half of the contents into his own hand .
21 He reached over and found a table for his own cup .
22 And as Pete was standing , she reached over and closed the scrapbook .
23 They walked regardless of the weather : on early spring mornings when the sky was remote and pale as a plover 's egg ; on stormy autumn afternoons when they felt they could reach up and touch the lowering clouds that covered the land like a bruise ; and on frozen winter days when the sky was a white membrane stretched so tight that they could imagine it cracking with the cold .
24 She reached up and took the stone out of his hand .
25 Gabriel reached up and took the apple and bit into it greedily .
26 His hand reached up and brushed the hair back from her face , and then he was kissing her , his lips warm and gentle .
27 She reached up and brushed the graze on his cheek .
28 Haverford reached up and put a hand on the young man 's shoulder .
29 Woolley reached up and pulled the switch on the air-raid warning .
30 ‘ Help yourself , Billy , ’ said his uncle , and Billy reached up and pulled an apple from the tree .
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