Example sentences of "only way [prep] [Wh det] [pron] can " in BNC.

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1 The only way in which we can help is having a Labour government that has a policy to secure verifiable arms reductions .
2 The only way in which we can achieve sovereignty is by sharing it .
3 The only way in which we can be convinced that the situation in South Africa is getting better is by abolishing all the racist laws , doing away with the whole system of apartheid , allowing every adult to be able to decide on their own future , in other words universal adult suffrage .
4 Although Lord Rees-Mogg 's confession that he is not a modernist can just about explain his neglect of artists such as Schoenberg , Proust , Kafka , Beckett and Auden , sheer ignorance is the only way in which one can account for the omission of Charles Sherrington , Alan Hodgkin , Lord Adrian and David Hubel , to name but four in neurophysiology ; Rutherford , Bohr , Planck , Heisenberg , Dirac and Gell-Man in physics .
5 They speak on the European peoples party membership of committees , that is the only way in which they can find a voice in committees and they take their share of European peoples party 's funding from the European peoples party .
6 This is the only way in which it can be forced to feed on its own surplus fat .
7 The plaintiff in such an action will be faced with a difficult task in establishing matters such as breach of duty and causation , but the action may be the only way in which he can obtain any compensation for the injury .
8 So the only way in which he can have any rights at all to Ricky apart from you agreeing , is to go to court himself , erm and I 'm inclined just to say lets see what he does .
9 Do you need mass mobilization in order to get land reform or is the only way in which you can achieve land reform to have mes mass mobilization ?
10 No they 're not gon na exploit their own workers but surely the , the , the whole idea of the build up towards land reform is that you are making , I mean in a Marxist sense it 's the only way in which you can do it is , is you make progress through conflict .
11 In a Marxist context it , it can not because the only way in which you can make progress is through co class conflict .
12 Unfortunately the only way in which I can fulfil my interest is to work .
13 As I said at the beginning of this essay , the only way in which I can fulfil my interest is to work : — and so I do .
14 In general , the only way by which you can become acquainted with the correspondence student is through the student 's attempts at solutions and possibly by questions on specific difficulties .
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