Example sentences of "likely to [be] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 If a country enacted a bill of rights , then it was likely to be acknowledged as a written but inadequate consolation for the absence of that commitment to liberty which appeared to seep unconsciously and effortlessly through the British system of government .
2 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
3 Last year , Mr Ashdown and his advisers embarked on ‘ war-gaming ’ — what social workers would call ‘ role playing ’ — to explore the moves and counter-moves likely to be made in a hung Parliament .
4 Even more important was his use of lymph taken from a smallpox pustule in its early stage of development , rather than from a mature pustule which was likely to be contaminated with a variety of organisms .
5 ( Of course , if the power is evil it is quite likely to be wielded by a female and just for good measure she is likely to be ugly . )
6 Canoe 95 , the World Championships in slalom and WWR , is likely to be run by a separate limited company to avoid subjecting the BCU to financial risk .
7 The next issue is that we know that these prospective inward investors are likely to be looking for a site in reasonably attractive setting .
8 Carers are likely to be looking after a dying loved one for the first time in their life ; their anxieties may be greater than the patient 's .
9 ON A Sunday morning , the average Tory voter is as likely to be queuing at a supermarket check-out as at the communion rail .
10 Considering the sensitivity of lakes and soils in other parts of the world and expected rapid industrialization in the coming decades , areas such as Brazil , Nigeria , southern Africa , India , Malaysia and China are among those likely to be exposed to an increased risk of acid deposition effects in the future ( figure 4.13 ; Swedish Ministry of Agriculture , 1982 ) .
11 amount of the food likely to be eaten in a day must contain at least half the recommended daily intake
12 Herbert Morrison was an advocate of tighter centralised control , and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power , Sir Donald Fergusson ( who believed nationalisation would only work if the public corporations were genuinely independent ) felt that independence was more likely to be achieved with a larger corporation which was more able to resist direct government intervention .
13 Whilst the experiment was limited to trainee engineers and by the type of microcomputer used , the results of this investigation indicated that : 1 ) the mode of man-machine interaction which was most popular and has the fewest dissenters , was one in which the user directed the course of action , as in the modular program ; 2 ) a fast design time was most likely to be achieved by the use of an optimization technique ; 3 ) an optimum design was most likely to be achieved by a preprogrammed optimization technique , but only where the problem , design parameters and constraints were understood ; 4 ) the technique thought most likely to allow some gaining of insight was one in which the user has control of the program , as in the modular program .
14 It would appear , on the face of it , that this problem of satisfying the two goals is least likely to be achieved in a monopoly situation .
15 This was illustrated by Glanzer and Koppenaal ( 1977 ) , who showed that animate words are more likely to be recalled from a list than inanimate words ; and many experiments have established the existence of priming effects in word recognition ( see Chapter 6 ) .
16 Anyone living in a house without a cat is likely to be visited by a stray sooner or later .
17 Finally , the gas cylinder , designed to withstand extreme pressure , is much stronger and less likely to be ruptured in an accident than conventional fuel tanks .
18 The effervescent executive is likely to be gone in a few years , many of the employees will be gone , and the owners may be different as well .
19 David Platt 's return from world cup stage to Wembley stage is likely to be spoilt by a knee injury .
20 Whatever happens , the TV viewer of the future looks likely to be presented with a bewildering array of alternative television systems , that are unlikely to do much for the sales of HDTV or any other wide-screen television .
21 Children who travel to school by bus or coach are 20 times less likely to be injured in an accident than when they travel by car .
22 He predicted that the course record was likely to be broken with a time inside one hour and 50 minutes .
23 The hospital attenders were more likely to be registered with a practice with no diabetic miniclinic and with a general practitioner with no special interest in diabetes .
24 In conventional crime there is no such similar fracture ; a person is charged with the consequences of his/her action ; if someone dies as a consequence of being stabbed , the assailant is more likely to be charged with a homicide offence rather than ‘ carrying an offensive weapon ’ .
25 The general information contained in a long-form valuation report is likely to be obtained from a variety of sources , oral or written , from within or outside the entity being reported upon ( for example , auditors ' files ) .
26 The most hazardous of all forms of patronage for the political manager was the presentation of a minister to a parish , for unless there was general agreement among the heritors and other parishioners , strong feelings were likely to be aroused in a church where patronage was still regarded as an alien intrusion without scriptural authority .
27 They are likely to enjoy higher standards of health , and to live longer ; they are less likely to be convicted of a criminal offence ; they are more likely to own their own house and a variety of consumer goods .
28 ‘ I was discussing a statistic I 'd heard that you 're more likely to be killed by a donkey than in an aeroplane disaster .
29 Suicide was the biggest cause of death , but the homeless are also 150 times more likely to be killed in an assault .
30 My instinct , both of mercy and goodwill , was to seek Barbara 's approval to a reference to the Prime Minister , but an even stronger instinct told me that it was likely to be met by a flat refusal and that the negotiating process would be stillborn .
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