Example sentences of "likely [prep] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If a country enacted a bill of rights , then it was likely to be acknowledged as a written but inadequate consolation for the absence of that commitment to liberty which appeared to seep unconsciously and effortlessly through the British system of government .
2 She positively reinforced this new behaviour making it more likely to be repeated to the point where it became a problem .
3 This is hardly likely to be repeated in the developing countries .
4 Thus , they contend that losses resulting from the automatic prohibition of mergers above a certain size are unlikely to be substantial , and are more than likely to be offset by the benefits arising from the creation of a climate of greater certainty and competition .
5 ‘ In the past century bishops were more likely to be consulted by the government .
6 The four-party Swedish coalition is likely to be split on the issue , with Environment Minister and Centre Party leader Olof Johansson under strong pressure to drop the project .
7 The two new figureheads , one man and one woman , are likely to be selected from the six speakers chosen by the party during the conference .
8 Mann is likely to be selected by the Kiwis for their three-Test tour of England next season , which would leave an overseas berth , alongside Kelly Shelford and Greg Mackey , open .
9 Cheap counterfeit copies are not likely to be made to the safety standards of the real thing .
10 Labour 's change of policy on the European Community puts it in a strong position to argue that economic and industrial decisions are increasingly likely to be made on a European basis and it is essential that Britain plays a more constructive role .
11 A final decision on Piggott 's Derby mount is likely to be made by the weekend .
12 Assuming that the DBMS permits a number of alternative file organisation techniques ( which is normally the case ) , the actual organisation chosen for any particular data structure will depend on which is the most efficient for that particular application , and this decision is likely to be made by the database administrator .
13 Last year , Mr Ashdown and his advisers embarked on ‘ war-gaming ’ — what social workers would call ‘ role playing ’ — to explore the moves and counter-moves likely to be made in a hung Parliament .
14 And doubts were expressed as to its value given the conceded fact that only a small dent was likely to be made in the pigeon population .
15 Whatever the future pattern of health care in London , it must make adequate provision for the demands likely to be made in the immediate future .
16 Even more important was his use of lymph taken from a smallpox pustule in its early stage of development , rather than from a mature pustule which was likely to be contaminated with a variety of organisms .
17 Le Monde reported on Oct. 1 that the dispute was likely to be placed before the UN Security Council during October , while France held the presidency at the Security Council .
18 ( Of course , if the power is evil it is quite likely to be wielded by a female and just for good measure she is likely to be ugly . )
19 Canoe 95 , the World Championships in slalom and WWR , is likely to be run by a separate limited company to avoid subjecting the BCU to financial risk .
20 And indeed er the Association of er Chartered er er the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants wrote to me recently er asking exactly what the position is and I quote from the letter , they say firms of accountants are quite likely to be engaged by the same client to perform services other than a statutory audit and then they go on to list financial planning and so on .
21 Poor care is likely to be given throughout the inpatient stay thereby increasing the actual mortality and giving a higher SMR .
22 Under the New Poor Law practice , unmarried mothers were always more likely to be sent to the workhouse than granted outdoor relief , and once there were left in no doubt of their shameful condition .
23 The next issue is that we know that these prospective inward investors are likely to be looking for a site in reasonably attractive setting .
24 You are likely to be looking for the relation between the variable part of the text ( called the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE because you are manipulating it by making changes ) and the variation in the response of the reader ( called the DEPENDENT VARIABLE , because it depends on the variation , or changes , made to the text ) .
25 Carers are likely to be looking after a dying loved one for the first time in their life ; their anxieties may be greater than the patient 's .
26 ON A Sunday morning , the average Tory voter is as likely to be queuing at a supermarket check-out as at the communion rail .
27 But as unsubsidised European supplies of processed milk products increasingly find it difficult to compete on world markets , they are likely to be redirected towards the European internal market .
28 Considering the sensitivity of lakes and soils in other parts of the world and expected rapid industrialization in the coming decades , areas such as Brazil , Nigeria , southern Africa , India , Malaysia and China are among those likely to be exposed to an increased risk of acid deposition effects in the future ( figure 4.13 ; Swedish Ministry of Agriculture , 1982 ) .
29 Anodisation is used to protect aluminium components that are likely to be exposed to the elements .
30 ( Any weakness in management is , therefore , more likely to be exposed by the use of sub-contract labour . )
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