Example sentences of "kind [prep] [noun] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This kind of conflict can not be legislated out of existence .
2 In short , this kind of work can not be approached by examining its cost-effectiveness in terms of man-hours spent in the community .
3 This kind of blow-over can only be avoided by manning the glider all the time or by tying it down with pickets , preferably with the wings level and all its control surfaces locked to prevent them flapping against their stops .
4 This kind of committee can either be permanent or appointed for a special purpose .
5 This kind of coordination can only be studied on whole animals , and could never even be guessed at from … experiments on tissue culture .
6 no administrative receiver , Law of Property or any other kind of receiver can thereafter be appointed ;
7 So , Lessing maintained , the first kind of truth can not be demonstrated by the second , nor brought down to the same level .
8 Assessing the performance of this kind of institution can not be solely a matter of adding up figures on a balance sheet , whether they are the finance officer 's financial data or the registrar 's data on student performance .
9 It has since been accepted that this kind of arrangement can not be accommodated at most other council buildings .
10 This kind of asymmetry can even be seen in pairs of originally parallel male and female terms , like bachelor and spinster or courtier and courtesan .
11 Deepak Naik , of the National Council for Hindu Temples , said : ‘ This kind of thing can only be harmful to Hindu-ism and is typical of our materialistic world .
12 Alongside the sorts of connective listed above , other kinds of link can also be useful .
13 Three useful kinds of study can then be distinguished , of ( i ) the social and economic institutions of culture and , as alternative definitions of their ‘ products ’ , of ( ii ) their content and ( iii ) their effects .
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