Example sentences of "able [to-vb] to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Last year the general assembly gave to the Board of Social Responsibility a task of coordinating the work of the church in this field and we are proud now to be able to report to the general assembly that the work done by the assembly 's various Boards and by numerous local initiatives make the Church of Scotland the nation 's leading provider of services to the victims of H I V and to their families delivering both the most extensive and the most comprehensive service to these people within Scotland .
2 I am pleased to be able to report to the hon. Gentleman that we have just had the first results of the monitoring arrangements for the implementation of community care and we are impressed with the practical schemes already being advanced to ensure that the frail and vulnerable , and particularly the chronically sick and disabled , receive the support that they need .
3 R&D agreements and specialization agreements between UK firms can be drafted in such a way as to fall outside the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 : otherwise firms might be able to appeal to the permissive stance of EC law to override any difficulties with the UK rules .
4 She dreaded the inspector coming because he always asked a lot of questions , and told her how lucky she was that she would soon be able to go to a big place in London where there were lots of other girls and boys .
5 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
6 ‘ Will he be able to go to the same school as his brothers and sisters ? ’ or ‘ Will she be able to speak like other boys and girls when she is older ? ’
7 He was able to go to the same home for respite care , at first for two weeks in and six weeks at home , on a rota .
8 Mr Cliburn , who was born in Shreveport , Louisiana , into a family that made its pile from oil , has been able to retire to a vast mansion .
9 For instance , businesses are able to adjust to a particular regime of liability rules , whether these be liberal or strict .
10 ‘ The department has no authority to make Caldaire sell and that particular clause will lapse after ten years , when the company would then be able to sell to the highest bidder . ’
11 However , TI is very bullish on what it thinks it 's going to be able to sell to the Far East and American Sparc cloners and reckons the ratio will change dramatically .
12 And at the same time you 've got ta be able to talk to the managing director and have lunch with him and talk about what was on television and what the state of the country is and the economic situation and everything , you know .
13 This is a pretty odd combination if you think about it for dormice and hares do not really talk and so would not be able to talk to the mad hatter , a human .
14 I was able to talk to the German customer and the people on the floor , who are excessively worried about the number of people coming in from the East , not only East Germany but they 're very , very worried about people coming in from Eastern Europe , and secondly there was so much East European food that was for sale in Germany at very low prices and there 's food that used to go to the Soviet Union .
15 Once I had discussed the situation with Sylvia and explained to her what had been happening , we were able to progress to the next stage .
16 ‘ She is a sensitive and claims to be able to regress to the Roman era . ’
17 Senior managers should be able to look to the external environment in order to obtain messages about likely future trends , for example in the demand for services , resources that may be available , changes in the legislative framework , etc .
18 So , are we saying that it is somehow abnormal or freakish to be able to stick to a healthy regime and remain slim ?
19 Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives , and have been able to stick to the new regime quite rigidly for a little while .
20 The consultant may , on the other hand , be able to suggest to the head teacher that an invitation be extended to other support staff with such specialist qualifications , from within the school or the school services , to act as co-consultants , with a view to developing their own consultative skills .
21 It would not , they say , have abolished competition : his ‘ Grand Lodges ’ , each directing its own industry , would in effect have been the head offices of huge joint stock companies owning the entire means of production and subject to no control by the community ; and they would have been able to revert to the capitalist form of enterprise , admitting fresh generations of workers only as employees and not as shareholders ‘ thus creating at one stroke a new capitalist class and a new proletariat ’ .
22 If the criminal disposition were inherited then , ideally , we would be able to point to a specific chromosome which was invariably associated with criminal behaviour .
23 When Marshall and his CEGB colleagues appeared before the 1984 Commons Environment Committee they were able to point to the vague Alkali Laws to justify their position .
24 Lord Rawdon told the Committee of the whole House of Lords , which read his bill clause by clause in May , that he thought a debtor should be able to swear to the real cause of his debt and , if there was no question of fraud or any intention to abscond , he should not be held in custody for more than eight days and be discharged on filing common bail .
25 ‘ However much analogy may lead us to conjecture the universal prevalence of law and orderly sequence , it has been acutely remarked that the phenomena which are most immediately important to the life and welfare of man are precisely those which he has never been , and probably never will be , able to reduce to a scientific calculation .
26 As will be seen , there were contemporary factors which favoured any programme that was sufficiently flexible to contribute to administering the " common life " , and thus able to contribute to a newly-important conception of " vocational education " .
27 This will ensure that we help the Group come through the worse recession in our industry for many years , and that we are in place and able to contribute to the future upturn in the market .
28 A recent report by the Confederation of British Industry observed that take-overs contribute to ‘ the gradual accretion of financial and management power in London and the South-East and the demise of independent companies based elsewhere that are able to contribute to the local community ’ .
29 Since the majority of heads of schools and teachers inherit the school and the class or specialist rooms in which they work with their pupils , they are seldom in the happy position of being able to contribute to the initial planning of buildings , and consequently their interest may well be centred on adaptations or changes that they can realistically effect , although an appreciation of the more fundamental issues of design and planning may concern them too .
30 It will be argued here that the above-noted tendency of the infinitival construction to imply greater subjectivity and possibility of doubt indicates that know is being evoked not just as the state of " being aware of a fact " in these uses but also as the condition for being able to attribute to the direct object of know the event denoted by the infinitive .
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