Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [adv] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The adamantium floor down there was inscribed with a maze of tiny coloured channels that bootsteps would never be able to wear away in a pattern suggestive of a cosmic map — and along all of those channels were spaced little indentations the depth of a Fist 's thumbprint , each recess named with a rune .
2 Yet party leaders did not want direct control , in case TANU was banned : they wanted the paper to be able to continue even in the event of this happening .
3 That 's what makes us significant , three very different kinds of people able to work together in a band . ’
4 ‘ But I 'll be able to come home in the evenings and you can teach me the things I need to know , ’ said Endill .
5 For most of our students , the main objective is to be able to communicate confidently in the language of their choice , so practice in listening and speaking are our first priorities .
6 At some point in its development it has to create more organized political groups , or convert or capture existing political organizations , which are able to engage directly in a struggle for power and have the capacity to use power when they have gained it in order to reconstruct society .
7 I wo n't be able to talk much in the workshop , what with everyone around and all those cherry trees to fix , but I 'll ask her out after , for a coffee or something .
8 ‘ People need expertise in language to be able to participate effectively in a democracy .
9 5 Airborne Brigade is the Army 's ‘ Instant Readiness ’ Force , and is able to deploy anywhere in the world in a matter of days .
10 Of course we have to pay the mortgage , but it is important to be able to do so in a way which contributes to international understanding and equips our students with worthwhile and important skills .
11 Even if subjects are deliberately attempting to recall the risky situations it would still be interesting that they are able to do so in a way that makes them distinct from all the other situations encountered .
12 Nevertheless dinosaurs , remarkably , were frequently able to stay ahead in the game .
13 His parents will be able to stay overnight in the hospital or in home-from-home hospital accommodation nearby .
14 This is not likely to be an especially serious problem for the assisted party , since if no contribution has been expected , he or she is not likely to be able to pay much in the way of costs to the opponent .
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