Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Harpy is able to evade blows aimed through the bars of the cage , and missile fire is at a -30 penalty ; if you wish , missile fire has a 10% chance per missile of freakishly breaking open the cage door , allowing the Harpy out !
2 Either through the use of this power , or the background threat of its use , the members are in principle able to induce management to conform to the demands of profit maximisation .
3 Our decision was strengthened by the fact that we were able to buy materials direct from the Devon suppliers .
4 Well we do have erm some discussions seminars where between ten and fifteen students are able to discuss matters relating to the course .
5 If a rhetorical approach to social psychology is to prove worthwhile , it must be able to illuminate issues relating to the structure of ideology and the movement of public opinion .
6 I hope that the Minister is able to deny newspaper reports about the Government 's attitude to safety .
7 Taligent will be available for a range of different processors and will be able to run applications written for the Macintosh and for OS/2 .
8 Thus , even on the unrealistic assumption that consumers acting through the market are able to force managements to produce at the lowest possible cost , companies nevertheless retain a discretion within that constraint over such issues as plant location , appropriate levels of automation , and policy on research and development , since these and other delegated questions do not yield unique least-cost solutions .
9 By pressing ‘ C ’ or ‘ P ’ the user is able to alter map attributes by the entry of a simple command .
10 By pressing ‘ C ’ or ‘ P ’ the user is able to alter map attributes by the entry of a simple command .
11 One of ACE 's claims is that members will be able to develop systems based upon the same building blocks which are sufficiently differentiated to enable them to go after separate market niches .
12 A governing body with a delegated budget will be able to stop people working at the school .
13 But as a as a member of his club you should be able to you should you should be able to bring power to bear on the er the top bod should n't you ?
14 Elected to Parliament in 1885 , Wilson was able to bring pressure to bear on the Liberal Party , both for repeal and for a wider programme of moral reform and social disciplining .
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