Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
2 Meanwhile , with tree-planting due to start soon , walkers and conservationists will once again be able to enjoy Oakenhill to the full .
3 Now we pray for those who are not able to enjoy life to the full , through sickness , and we remember Winifred Andrews , Rob Dellar , Jack Bennett and Louis Muggleton … and keep silence as we bring other friends and relatives to your throne .
4 I imagine that that was one of the matters raised with the hon. Gentleman , and I hope that he was able to assure farmers of the splendid job that my noble Friend is doing for farming in Scotland .
5 This is the motion that says that the Apex conference would be able to debate issues of a general nature which are appropriate for this Congress , the decision making body of the union and for no other conference in the union .
6 Political power was decentralised in the sense that warriors were able to claim rights over a local territory and enforce their own brand of justice by means of military might .
7 A married man living with his wife may also be able to claim part of the married couple 's allowance .
8 The interesting point is that the Greeks were certainly able to see Merope with the naked eye , whereas today this is virtually impossible .
9 Now at last , after five Swans LPs and two previous Skin outings , he 's able to see relief beyond the masochistic joy he takes from brutality , violence and neglect .
10 Now at last , after five Swans LPs and two previous Skin outings , he 's able to see relief beyond the masochistic joy he takes from brutality , violence and neglect .
11 Coleman naturally lent a commiserative ear , and was soon able to provide Donleavy with a complete run-down on the DEA 's network of informants in Beirut and the Bekaa Valley .
12 On the other hand , we now may be able to provide explanations for the measured values of some quantities like the cosmological constant .
13 Rule-based methods offer some method of combining the two together — the grammar is able to provide information to the semantic analysis .
14 Andy Currier was eventually able to provide consolation at the other end , but departed for the sin-bin 30 seconds later after a foul on Bob Jackson , accompanied by Paul Hulme , who questioned the referee 's decision too vehemently .
15 Again , unions in conjunction with employers are likely to be able to find answers to the access-to-cash problem .
16 In spite of not being able to find support for an affirmative answer to the question , ‘ Are there logical conditions of something 's looking blue to someone ? ’ in what Wittgenstein says , and not accepting what would be Mill 's reason for an affirmative answer , I think an affirmative answer is the right answer .
17 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
18 By advocating the building of a national coalition the Communists were able to attract sections of the Socialist Party .
19 Marlborough 's campaigns have commanded the admiration of military analysts ; his successes showed that Britain could conduct a war on land , and made it clear that the balance of power would be maintained and Louis XIV would not be able to establish France as the dominant power in western Europe in the way that had seemed probable in the 1680s .
20 They were also able to establish control over the Social Accounting Service , which is the official body through which all enterprises have to make their bank payments , and which has the specific responsibility of checking on the validity of bills of exchange .
21 This network was so well developed that when Captain Hugh Clapperton ‘ discovered ’ Kano in 1824 he was able to obtain cash from a local merchant in return for a bill of exchange on the British consul at Tripoli .
22 It is only since 1964 that a successful unassisted party has been able to obtain costs from the Legal Aid Fund at all .
23 Andy Nicol scything through the middle — as he sensed the outside pass to Tony Stanger was blocked — looked as if he would be able to detonate Stanger on the inside thrust , but as Nicol was clobbered , the ball ballooned off Stanger 's shoulder .
24 Buying weekly television licence stamps can ease the burden somewhat and certain elderly or disabled people are able to receive help from the local authority with the cost of a licence .
25 The Norwich City Council wanted to get a licence to be able to sell intoxicants at a new pop centre they were going to open , mainly for young people , and was a member of the Labour Party , incidentally , and and a County Councillor , one of the City Wards , had the cheek to go and oppose the whole of Norwich City Council
26 The folk superstar apologised for not being able to visit pickets during a recent visit to Scotland and wished workers well .
27 We are looking forward to welcoming him to see our work at other sites and hope that he will be able to visit Risley in the near future .
28 Having arrived back in our contemporary world after our historical journey , I hope that we will be better able to view modernity with a certain detachment .
29 The Republican government was , of course , the legal government of Spain and as such entitled to expect to be able to purchase arms on the international market .
30 On occasions an odour may be due to , or coincide with , the emission of dark or black smoke , in which case a local authority may be able to initiate action under the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968 , except where the emission arises at works registered under the Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 .
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