Example sentences of "rate of [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The gall bladder epithelium has one of the highest rates of water absorption of body tissues , which is achieved by the coupling of active sodium transport and passive water absorption .
2 ‘ If wine merchants and restaurants are to survive and jobs are to be preserved , UK rates of excise duty on alcohol must be brought into line with those of other member states .
3 Conversion rates of sulphur dioxide to sulphate range from 0.1 to 10 per cent per hour , depending upon the presence or absence of other pollutants ( reactive hydrocarbons and photochemical oxidants ) and atmospheric conditions ( relative humidity , temperature , sunlight ) .
4 Higher rates of interest choke off investment demand ( and indeed any other interest-sensitive variable that might have been introduced in the model ) so that aggregate demand and output fall , imparting a negative slope to this curve .
5 Increased longevity results in increased dependency in old age , while on the other hand , increased investment in health has been accompanied not by falling but by rising rates of sickness absenteeism from work .
6 Table IV shows the rates of sickness absence by grade after adjusting for the health related behaviours ( smoking habits and frequency of alcohol consumption ) , ethnic group , work characteristics , and social circumstances outside work which predicted rates of sickness absence .
7 These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers .
8 Secondly , Poulantzas denies that the falling rate of profit characteristic of capitalism is an inevitable feature of the mode of production .
9 We know that birds are warm-blooded : in fact they are fully tachymetabolic , as expressed in the resting rate of oxygen consumption per unit of weight and time .
10 This chapter will focus on the definition and nature of the rate of return concept for index futures .
11 While there are no data from the Philippines that indicate what effect these soil losses will have on productivity , information from other tropical regions ( e.g. Pimentel et al. 1987 ) suggests that productivity will drop by between 15 and 70 per cent depending on the rate of soil formation in relation to the rate of soil loss .
12 PFK TIP : When using the Wurly in warm and/or windy weather , you will have a high rate of water loss through evaporation and spray so be prepared to top up the pond as required .
13 This view holds that arousal improves the rate of information transfer from input to output but potentially impairs the use of information in short term memory .
14 A condition to specify the maximum rate of house completions for education reasons is required .
15 The rate of protein synthesis in disease free colonic mucosa from non-tumour bearing patients has not been reported previously , although Stein et al did measure protein synthesis in the macroscopically ‘ normal ’ colonic mucosa of patients with colorectal cancer .
16 If H is the rate of heat transfer per unit area ( taken as positive if the transfer is upwards , for example from hot ground to cooler air ) , this scale is u τ enters this expression because the temperature variations needed to produce a given heat transfer are smaller when the turbulence is more vigorous .
17 As regards the decline in employment in manufacturing , mathematically speaking this is equal to the growth rate of labour productivity in manufacturing minus the growth rate of output from that sector .
18 An accelerated loss of NO 2 through aerosol chemistry is therefore likely to increase the rate of ozone reduction in autumn , but have little effect in spring when ozone losses will be dominated by heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric clouds in the lower stratosphere .
19 After allowing for the much higher non-attendance rate in controls , the annual rate of eye examination per patient and the number of patients referred to a hospital ophthalmic clinic were comparable in the two groups .
20 This implies that within the patches the rate of energy transfer per unit mass increases with wave number , thus complicating the derivation of the Kolmogorov law .
21 " So long as we are not measuring the rate of depletion year by year , we have no basis for guessing how soon the asphyxiation of large parts of the Pacific might begin " , warned Dyson .
22 This points not only to a severe differential in the quality of jobs between north and south but also to a differential in their rate of job growth over time .
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