Example sentences of "almost a [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Almost a shy sort of laugh , Carrie thought , though it could n't be .
2 By the end of 1981 , she seemed almost a Prime Minister at bay .
3 sending tapes to the A&R departments is almost a total waste of time .
4 While their confrontations are now almost a ritual mixture of banter and cross-examination , they did produce the highlight of the meeting .
5 It was with almost a certain sense of relief that Delvert returned to his regiment .
6 By the late 1920s the activities of birth control groups ensured that the matter was openly discussed , the matter being almost a compulsory subject for discussion in the local meetings of the Women 's Section of the Labour Party .
7 The whole thing was delightful , almost a perfect work of art , yet small enough to enclose in the palm of his hand .
8 I suppose one of the things I use to demonstrate it most clearly is that for many years I s I gave lectures on communications and one of the things I used to say in those lectures was I did not know , and I was stressing that sense what came first if newspapers write stories in a particular way , because that is what the public wanted or do public want a particular type of story and that 's that newspapers round-up and I stopped posing that question when Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun because Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun and introduced a lot of sex-type stories you know stories about brothels and madames whipping people and goodness knows what else and the sales rocketed and there we had almost a captive example of change in the design of change in the type of stories that were written and people , people were buying it and so you have an issue of you know that your content was actually being by what your readership wanted .
9 It would have to be a fast one , and expensive — offhand , Rincewind could n't think of any horse-dealer he knew who was rich enough to give change out of almost a whole ounce of gold .
10 The sense of excitement that Ruth would have had might have changed a wee bit to almost a little bit of fear .
11 There was a fractional gap in time in which she went blind and deaf and limp , a second that was almost a miniature swoon in essence , but so infinitesimal that she was n't even aware of the fleeting relief , the madness in her again instantly , the craving , unbearably heightened by this first knowledge of his nakedness in contact with hers .
12 The venue only serves drinks in plastic glasses , but almost a full pint of beer hit Vega on the head .
13 The venue only serves drinks in plastic glasses , but almost a full pint of beer hit Vega on the head .
14 More recently , another French writer , Roland Barthes , has referred to the " transparency of classical writing , and has postulated a mode of " writing at degree zero " , which , " initiated by Camus 's Outsider , achieves a style of absence which is almost an ideal absence of style " .
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