Example sentences of "both [noun pl] [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although both projects have the same payback period ( 3.3 years ) , project B is more attractive in terms of net cash flow if the longer term is taken into account .
2 Research comparing young and older people 's attitudes to sexual morality has found that both groups displayed the same degree of flexibility .
3 Why should both groups follow the same course ?
4 Both groups performed the same task in the judgment phase , this involved watching the same films in their entirety .
5 Both strategies involve the same cost and have the same risk ( resulting from the unknown value of the cash index at the end of the year ) .
6 Both strategies achieve the same outcome , namely the sale of an asset in T years ' time ; both strategies use none of the individual 's own wealth ; and both strategies are riskless .
7 On the face of it , the Friend 3 seems the model least likely to benefit from flexibility — the thick stem interferes little with the working of the cams , both designs have the same strength rating and there 's only a few grams difference in weight between them .
8 In the above example , the analysts and the market are doing their jobs properly because both firms have the same share price of 80p and hence indeed have the came value .
9 It is worth carrying out this simple exercise to disprove the common fallacy that the shape derived from chopping off the top of the cone at an angle is egg shaped ( the assumption is that the end closest to the base of the cone has a larger radius because the cone is larger there ) , in fact both ends have the same radius , it 's an ellipse — try it .
10 But at the same time , several classic developmental studies have reported apparent violations of Contrast : at some stage of language acquisition , children appear to treat certain word pairs as if both terms had the same meaning .
11 First , an ESS of a ‘ symmetric ’ game such as the Hawk-Dove game ( i.e. a game in which there is no external asymmetry conferring different roles on the two players ) requires that both players adopt the same strategy .
12 The ideal balance sheet — with both sides showing the same figure at the end — produced the expression ‘ making ends meet , ’ in which ‘ meet ’ is used in its oldest sense of ‘ right and fitting ’ .
13 Once again , however , this really only works if both systems use the same font suitcases .
14 Your next question will be , ‘ How do I know which voice I am listening to , because both mentors choose the same voice to speak ? ’
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