Example sentences of "carry out in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For safety purposes , the servicing of petroleum carrying vehicles is carried out in a separate work area .
2 Swannson already has a depot in Swindon but it is a condition of his O licence for that operating centre that maintenance can only be carried out in a restricted manner .
3 The situation at the moment in the field of research in homoeopathy is that much encouraging and interesting work demonstrating effects of homoeopathic potencies has been carried out in a wide variety of laboratory and clinical models .
4 During the field trial , this exploration was carried out in a conventional manner , eg by gathering background information relevant to the client organisation , by becoming familiar with the physical layout of the offices involved , and by interviewing a representative sample of staff from both departments and from the central support unit .
5 Now it has been decided that men , with all their brow-mopping and weeping , are simply invading the seminal female experience , which should really be carried out in a darkened sweat lodge with only women as company .
6 These producers were carried out in a darkened room .
7 The most recent substantial piece of work on public library stock logistics is described in Tony Houghton 's Bookstock management in public libraries ( 1985 ) , again work based upon actual research carried out in a public library system .
8 Current powers do not allow for searches that are based on a policeman 's hunch that someone may be carrying an illicit article , or for blanket searches that are carried out in a particular area or among particular groups .
9 ‘ Yes it is , provided the shooting is carried out in a responsible manner .
10 This involved the production of large numbers of documents , many , if not all , of which were located in Germany ; the taking of depositions from representatives of the corporation , to be carried out in a designated office in Germany ; and interrogatories seeking information as the corporation 's organisation at the relevant time and the identity of employees engaged in work relevant to the ( products liability ) issue in the litigation .
11 Planning Ward v Secretary of State for the Environment ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls , Staughton LJJ ) ; 25 Sept 1989 A private garden was capable of being an ‘ open space ’ and something that should be taken into account when deciding whether a development proposed to be carried out in a conservation area would preserve or enhance the area within s 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 , as substituted , and of Circular No 8 of 1987 issued by the Secretary of State .
12 Again , many decisions which are successfully carried out in a given period may not turn out to have been the best possible courses of action .
13 Not only may policy have to be carried out in a discretionary approach , but the authorities may be constrained to ,
14 Sometimes the act has been carried out in a hostile fashion that causes maximum distress to the staff .
15 From the fishing bag he took a scope sight and two boxes of ammunition , one of them depleted from the sighting-in that he 'd carried out in a deserted glen on the drive south .
16 Many of the classes in the Order are concerned with various types of industry , not only ‘ light ’ , which can generally be carried out in a residential area without detriment to its amenities , and general industry , which can change to light but not vice versa , but also with a number of special categories , such as those subject to the Alkali Inspectorate .
17 Doctors said the biopsy was carried out in a different part of the brain to where the rupture of the aneurysm occurred and was not responsible for the death .
18 The problem in relation to deaf people is nevertheless a challenging one since not only is their language different in vocabulary and grammar from spoken languages but it is also largely carried out in a different medium .
19 This experiment was carried out in a dedicated growth room with walls well masked with charcoal-grey cartridge paper .
20 The production of crack can easily be carried out in a domestic kitchen .
21 Economic models are particularly useful since millions of daily transactions are carried out in the real world and so some means must be found of expressing the essential characteristics of the problem at hand .
22 Surveys carried out by the optical profession show that after an initial drop , 12.43 million sight tests were carried out in the financial year ending 1991 .
23 Most studies on the management control process have been carried out in the private sector with profit-orientated organizations .
24 No auditing practices in addition to those carried out in the normal case of auditing the financial statements are carried out .
25 After dilution , the determination of ammonia is carried out in the normal way .
26 The church was rebuilt in the 13th century and further modifications and restoration were carried out in the 15th century .
27 All acts done within the actual authority of a partner will be binding on the firm whether carried out in the usual course of business or otherwise .
28 The final honing was carried out in the usual fashion , using slipstones and strop .
29 The endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was carried out in the standard manner using an Olympus or Pentax sideviewing endoscope under antibiotic cover .
30 Furthermore , there is a general permission for any development in connection with coal industry activities ( as defined in section 63 of the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 ) and carried out in the immediate vicinity of a pithead .
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